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About this blog

This is my general hobby blog. It will cover my multiple 40k Armies and new HH EC Army, I may even sneak in some LOTR images. Posts, projects wont be timely, will be erratic and I will no doubt miss every goal I aim for. I also have a firstborn Badab War project which I dabble in. I have enough to keep me going all day until I die, but in reality I get a un-molested hours every other day :D

Entries in this blog

Current Projects and *rough* % Completion

Warhammer 40k; Primaris - Iron Snakes 20% Complete (as at Sept 22) Badab War Firstborn - Astral Claws 10% (as at Sept 22) Badab War Firstborn - Lamenters 15% (as at Sept 22) Badab War Firstborn - Mantis Warriors 5% (as at Sept 22) Badab War Firstborn - Executioners 25% (as at Sept 22) Badab War - Tyrants Legion 0% (as at Sept 22) Tyranids 75% (as at Sept 22) Necrons 85% (as at Sept 22) CSM Red Corsairs 55% (as at Sept 22)   Horus Heresy;
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