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About this blog

A blog about my miniatures and some of my work related with building, painting, converting and so on.

Occasionally posts might also refer to writing and other topics which have an indirect link with the hobby.

Entries in this blog

Zero bits challenge progress 3

As a follow up to my previous blog post, I decided to make a short update on how my zero bits challenge is going so far and I will start by making a comparison between the current status graphs versus the ones from the last update:   Status from May 2nd   Status from September 5th   There are some changes on the green bars (painted models) in several categories as you can probably notice, but the major difference at the moment would be the fact that the top val


GreenScorpion in DYI

Zero bits challenge progress 2

As mentioned in some previous blog posts, I have been making slow progress on a self imposed challenge to get all of my bits spent through conversions, scratch built and other methods that can add additional miniatures to my army while spending all the spare stuff that I already have lying around. For a matter of simplicity, whenever I mention Converted in my graphs or tracking I am referring to conversions and scratch built miniatures or at least miniatures that were built beyond box numbers.


GreenScorpion in DYI

Zero bits challenge progress

In a previous blog post I spoke about the self imposed Zero bits challenge that I have decided to follow in order to clean up all of the spare bits generated by my miniature purchases. Today I want to speak about the overall progress I have made since I initially started with this challenge and give an overview of what is still pending to be done. Some time ago I have create a spreadsheet to track my purchases and my progress in terms of building and painting and eventually I decided t


GreenScorpion in DYI

Zero bits challenge

One thing that has always bothered me since I started the hobby back in 2018 is how many spare parts you can end up with after building your miniatures. With infantry/characters this typically means extra heads, arms/weapons or gear that are useful for customization purposes or to make slightly different forces, but which end up on sprue or on your bits box.   Since I dislike wasting stuff I have decided some time ago to put in practice a self imposed zero bits challenge, with the


GreenScorpion in DYI

DIY, recycling and reusing

Nowadays there is so much garbage entering our houses on a regular basis and many of those things are not necessarily recycled given a proper treatment once they are used, but some things are too useful to go to waste, so this blog is a compilation of examples on how things can be given a new life and in this particular case used for wargaming miniatures, terrain, dioramas and so on. The examples show here are in different stages of WIP, so the end result can certainly look different, but h


GreenScorpion in DYI

DIY Simple Bridges

Terrain is always a good way to help decorated the battlefield with something interesting, even though it is often not the centre piece on most hobbyists plans. Although there is a relatively good selection of terrain available in hard plastic, resin, PVC, MDF/HDF or even in cardboard, terrain is a good opportunity to make something custom with locally available materials, most of them often seen as garbage.   For those who might have seen some of my posts on the Astra Militarum s


GreenScorpion in DYI

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