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Minor Characters WIP

Got these models primed this morning. My favorite is the web jumper model so I'll probably paint him last.  I'm wrapping up some guardians. These will be next in line.         Thanks for looking.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in WIP

Games Pics July 27, 2024

Aeldari vanguard try to retake relics stolen by Orks.   I lost 1-2 in a nail biter. Had I made one more save on that last turn, I'd have pulled it out. Can't ask for much better.                   Thanks for looking.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Game Pics

Bitz Box Bingo

Threw this together via bitz I had: archon, void weaver, and death jester kits. I'll run this model as a character in my corsairs army. Sort of a death jester homage. I hope to get it primed this week but have no idea when I'll get started on the paint phase.             Thanks for looking.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in WIP

Corsair Unit

Just finished up this unit using nothing smaller than a ) brush. It's tabletop ready and replaces a similar unit.   Maybe one day I'll clean up some things I didn't notice until after the photos.   The guy above is definitely going to get some attention.    

Game Pics 26 Aug 2023

Some pics from a game I played against Space Wolves yesterday. Another loss as I lost a turn due to bad placement and boxing myself in. I need to switch up my list, my tactics, and have a plan.   Wrapping up deployment.     Space Wolves advance unimpeded.     I thought I had a clever plan to ambush the advancing squad with the most powerful psyker available in the army. I then whiffed 7 of 9 casting rolls essentially sacrificing this dude for no gain.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Game Pics

Drukhari WIP

Switching to the vehicles of the three combat patrols I have.    I’ll need to compress these images but I wanted to put something in my moribund blog.    There's a lot of work here. TBH, I'm not feeling this work, but I aim to finish this one venom / 'weaver if nothing else.          

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in WIP

Game Pics 02 July 23

Was part of a 3 vs 3 game yesterday. I fought mostly against Orks and Space Wolves. While the score has my team down 1, I'd say I still won with meeting new people and having a close game.   Here's the list     And the game pics.                   Thanks for looking.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Game Pics

Drukhari Archon

All done except for the sealing coat.    This guy is a test model. It uses the same colors as the witches, but it differs from the corsairs and existing kabalites. The latter is teal, not turquoise.    Obviously I've been going for quantity over quality lately. I'm shooting for these models to look good from several feet, not a few inches away.   Here's the pics.           Thanks for looking.

Warlock Conclave WIP

Some pics of some warlock skyrunners I started on Wednesday. I seem to be working back to front.   These are rescues so didn't do the build.   Colors used: turbo dork shifting sounds GW eshin gray blended with GW mechanical gray Vallejo gloomy violet wet blended with Vallejo light gray         Comments and criticism welcome. Thanks for looking.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in WIP

Pirate Army - Incubi

These models count as Tortured Warriors with venom swords in my Grimdark death cult army. In 40k lore this is part of an Ynnari army with an emphasis on pirates and banshees. It has a craft world, a wych cult, and a few kabalite bands joining in for kicks.   There's some details to paint in the torture racks, but that will not prevent me from calling these tabletop-ready.   Colors used:   Vallejo dark turquoise ink gw carrosburg crimson turbo dork shi

Pirate Army - Wyches

These models count as Witches in my Grimdark death cult army. In 40k lore this is part of an Ynnari army with an emphasis on pirates and banshees. It has a craft world, a wych cult, and a few kabalite bands joining in for kicks.   I'm generally pleased with the results here. Colors used are:   turbo dork shifting sands GW auric gold GW terrain turquoise GW hexametric green GW carroburg crimson Vallejo flat yellow army painter matte b

Pirate Army - Corsairs

These models count as Nightmares in my Grimdark death cult army. Alternatively, I can run them as storm squads in High Elf Fleets. In 40k lore this is an Ynnari army with an emphasis on pirates and banshees. It has a craft world, a wych cult, and a few kabalite bands joining in for kicks.   I finished these models (for now) today. I might go back and add more color to the weapons. Not thrilled with the arkhelion green results. These look like the Denver Broncos.  However, they are read

New Photos, Old Models

Playing around with ideas to improve pics of models.    Speaking of, I have painted models not posted yet and I'll get around to that. Not sure how replacing backgrounds on infantry will work, but at least there will be pics of dark reapers, more corsairs, and banshees incoming on my moribund blog.

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in General

Cosmic Chorus Army Showcase

Cross posting some pictures from the Hall of Honor > Army Showcase thread. I didn't take a ton of close ups, those can be found elsewhere on the B&C.   Comments and criticism welcome.   Characters   Shadowseer   Solitaire   Troops     Fast Attack       Heavy Support   Dedicated Transports           Tra

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in General

Showcase: Terrain, Scenery, and Fortifications

Pics of some of the terrain my group plays on. Our terrain gets recycled and repainted quite frequently but we never put unpainted work on the table.   Forgeworld's mystic terrain foresaw the future because contrast paint was made for these models.          And a Drukhari shrine       Moving to the urban setting where we play most of our games, here's some pregame shots.         Som

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Terrain

Renegade Open 2022 - Part Three

I attended the Renegade Open held in Plymouth, MN on 19 November. I walked through most of the events with friends over about an hour. I saw the 40K Friendly, the Barbicon Front (Horus Heresy) event, and Operation (Bolt Action). Here's some photos and commentary from my visit.   Part One: The GW stuff Part Two: The Boards/Hobby stuff Part Three: Swag and conclusion   Part Three: Swag and Conclusion   After taking some pics, I headed to the vendor roo

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in General

Renegade Open 2022 - Part Two

I attended the Renegade Open held in Plymouth, MN on 19 November. I walked through most of the events with friends over about an hour. I saw the 40K Friendly, the Barbicon Front (Horus Heresy) event, and Operation (Bolt Action). Here's some photos and commentary from my visit.   Part One: The GW stuff Part Two: The Boards/Hobby stuff Part Three: Swag and conclusion   Part Two: The Boards/Hobby stuff   I love the B&C, but I love mini gaming in gen

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in General

Renegade Open 2022 - Part One

I attended the Renegade Open held in Plymouth, MN on 19 November. I walked through most of the events with friends over about an hour. I saw the 40K Friendly, the Barbicon Front (Horus Heresy) event, and Operation :cuss: (Bolt Action). Here's some photos and commentary from my visit.   Part One: The GW stuff Part Two: The Boards/Hobby stuff Part Three: Swag and conclusion   Part One: The GW Stuff   The Renegade Open is one of the larger local tourname

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in General

More Aeldari Corsair WIPs

Haven't been overly motivated to do minis lately, but the sun was out so I took some quick WIP pics of some Aeldari pirates. This is in addition to the previous entry's models. These came pretty quick and I think I have the process down going forward. Obviously more to clean up here, but those mold lines are so obvious now.  Next time.    I need to clean up and finish detailing some items, especially those faceless helms. Some items will get gloss coated.      

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in WIP

20 Years at the B&C

The techpriests have provided me with a 20 year commemoration today. I realize that @Brother Tyler mentioned they could go out early, but I’ll still bask in the glow of middle age, plastic, and paint. 

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in General

Tau Game Pics

Collected some pics of my second Tau army during a pair of games. I threw in two Farsight models I actually completed before I went back to my Eldar.   Edit: My Tau gallery here at @B&C.                       

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Game Pics

More Hrud

First blog reaction is on the Hrud image. So I decided to find the other pics of the army. Blog limits make me have to use links.   I hope you enjoy.       More pics   Hrud wheels of doom troops in wait one of the big boys big guns will soon tire   battle lines rat rush incoming! everybody fall back!

The Yncarne

The Yncarne in Game Pics

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