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About this blog

General build, paint and gaming blog of various Games Workshop games in the 30k/ 40k universes.


Horus Heresy era

  • Raven Guard
  • Custodes
  • Sisters of Silence (allies)
  • Adeptus Titanicus


Warhammer 40k

  • Grey Knights
  • Adepta Sororitas
  • Militarum Tempestus
  • Imperial Agents



  • Redemptionist/ Cawdor

Entries in this blog

Raven Guard Sicaran Work in Progress pt 2

Well slowly but surely, I have been making progress on my Raven Guard Sicaran.  After discussing the remodel of the hobby room I began working on the Sicaran by painting the tracks. I used Vallejo Metal Color Steel and focused on the tracks at the top of the tank. and then I painted the Exhaust stacks with Vallejo Metal Color Exhaust Manifold.       I really like the Vallejo Metal Color Steel and Exhaust Manifold, and wanting a gunmetal and brass color from the rang

XIX- Raven Guard- 2024 Goals

So my 2024 Gaming focus is going to be my Horus Heresy Raven Guard.  I need to build my army up so I can deal with the various forces I may be facing, when I get to play. One of the larger and more expensive goals is due around late November for a HH Tanksgiving game I am planning for my local gaming group. I have been purchasing various things for my different planned Companies and support units. I am going to be converting my 2 15 man squads to 2 5 man recon and 2 10 man seekers. I need more J

"From the darkness we strike: fast and lethal," a Raven Guard Saying

Well as I have been spending time away from my gaming group and spending it with my GF and her kids (7 boys ages 20 -biological son and her adopted boys 10, 9, 9, 7, 5, and 4), the group has run into a snag of sorts. Like many individuals and groups, the glaring issue with 10th edition has popped up, Over costed units vs Under costed units, Armor being ridiculous, and the point values in the first codex being wrong before it is on the LGS shelves.  It feels like we are playing Whose line is it a


W.A.Rorie in Ravenguard/ Successors


Well I have a game on 07/15 against my Friends 1k pts of Nids, Plan is use my Raptors and debating going Phobos/ Scout heavy as they are at least primed or more.  Phobos Librarian is a go and more than likely Revier LT.  Trying to figure out the rest of the force. I may need to build an Impulsor for the Reivers to ride in.    I need to start my Call to Arms vow too....hopefully this weekend    

Raptors vs Ravenguard

So every time a new edition my Raptors get kicked down the stairs.  My Raptors started out as 10th Co with support, 9th saw it adding a ton of Phobos as scouts were not troops. Now 10th ed is upon us and Phobos is not battle line. I was really planning on making my Leviathan, the Blood Angel Combat Patrol, and Boarding Patrol into Ravenguard.  Currently I am leaning towards making them Raptors. I usually play my Raptors as Ravenguard anyways.  I am trading a friend the Drukhari NIB half of Piety
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