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About this blog

General build, paint and gaming blog of various Games Workshop games in the 30k/ 40k universes.


Horus Heresy era

  • Raven Guard
  • Custodes
  • Sisters of Silence (allies)
  • Adeptus Titanicus


Warhammer 40k

  • Grey Knights
  • Adepta Sororitas
  • Militarum Tempestus
  • Imperial Agents



  • Redemptionist/ Cawdor

Entries in this blog

"And lo: by their devices and desires shall Chaos make itself known to thee."- Silas Hand

With Codex: Imperial Agents on the horizon, in a previous Blog post, I talked about my Grand Army idea......  that was almost a year ago.... so I guess it is time for an update. According to the WarComm article :   "Should you instead wish to field an entire army of Imperial Agents, the Codex offers four new Detachments which add their own Detachment rules, Stratagems, and Enhancements to the mix, allowing you to support a full Inquisitorial force with no limitations on the number of u


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

Grand Army part 5

Returning to my Grand Army idea it did not feel right to not include my Adepta Sororitas, Order of the Valorous Heart. They way I feel it would be the Sisters as the boots on Ground Force requesting aid and holding ground. Storm Troopers performing recon and scout missions. Grey Knights taking ground and performing the majority of the heavy lifting. Sisters of Silence as needed. And the Inquisition assisting all forces.    Normally I would have my forces here but I want my Sisters to r


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

Grand Army part 2

So in my previous post I began talking about my Grand army idea starting with my Inquisitorial Forces (Agents of the Imperium- 1390 + points)   So this post is going to focus on the Astra Miliatarum, Inquisitorial Stormtrooper 909th "Hell Rain" Charlie Company.         The Inquisitorial Stormtrooper 909th, "Hell Rain" Charlie Company is currently assigned to Ordo Malleus.  Hell Rain is know for their skull war paint on their helmets, their grim demeanor, and ru


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

So it begins.....

Since my first venture into 40k, my long time friend/ opponent has been @Entropomancer. Through out the years we had some epic battles with our various armies, some great team ups on the rare occasions, and most of all a good time having fun with friends. Win or lose it has always been fun as we share the idea of Fluffy army over WAAC.    One of our goals was to have a Grand army, a  large main army with smaller playable support elements, like IG/ Astra Militarum armies of our own desi


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

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