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About this blog

General build, paint and gaming blog of various Games Workshop games in the 30k/ 40k universes.


Horus Heresy era

  • Raven Guard
  • Custodes
  • Sisters of Silence (allies)
  • Adeptus Titanicus


Warhammer 40k

  • Grey Knights
  • Adepta Sororitas
  • Militarum Tempestus
  • Imperial Agents



  • Redemptionist/ Cawdor

Entries in this blog

Did that just happen............

Ok this was not planned... I swear.    So I have been focused on my switching my paints to Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic series and Friday after work I went to 2 of my LGS. First Store I did not get paint but walked out with Watch Captain Artemis and a box of Deathwatch Veterans. Then I went to next store to pick up my online order for paints and picked up more paints. Friday night, I built the sub assemblies for the veterans and converted Artemis due to the cable was short and slappe


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

More Kill Team

Well I was able to order Data Sheets and tokens for my Scouts for Kill Team off of eBay.     And while watching my kids this weekend we built the contents of the Space Marine Board game     ....well they built the Ripper swarm and Termagants, I built (Not) LT. Titus (no photos but here is the stock photo)     And I also built  Space Marine Adventures: Tyranid Attack Board Game     and the 5 reprinted Space Marine Her


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

Kill Team: Hivestrom pt 5

Well it is Sunday morning and I almost made it.....Hobby last week was rough and only had time on Friday and limited time Saturday.    I was able to knock out a huge chunk of base colors on Friday afternoon/ night:     I stopped as I was tired and was at the decal stage. Saturday morning I was able to decal them and Saturday night I was able to hit them with the Agrax Earthshade     Just some highlights, weathering, and basing,   Betwee


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

Kill Team: Hivestorm pt 4

Weekend Update.....ok I have not touched my hobby stuff since Friday night. But I spent all day Saturday with my Future (step)son who is 8 going on 9 this week, and had my Fantasy hockey Draft and Sunday we were doing family stuff. This is going to be a rough week of Hobby, the youngest (step)son is turning 6 today and Thursday is the other (step)son's birthday, so I am losing a few days of hobby this week so hopefully I can get a lot done Friday night after bed time to make my Saturday deadline


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

Kill Team: Hivestorm pt 3

Well time for Part 3 of Kill Team: Hivestorm Kill Team prep, which is also Exorcists Scout painting log.    Well right now they look very Blood Angel/ Blood Ravens scouts...   From the front (clockwise); Tracker/ Team Leader, Sniper, Warrior, Warrior, Heavy, and Heavy   Still more work to due but hopefully these 6 will be done this weekend and I can focus on the other 5.     


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

Kill Team: Hivestorm pt 2

So all the new KT boxes comes with tokens....     I wonder who will have good acrylic ones?   So 12 days to go and here is last nights progress     Scouts primed and one model I was able to get the Silver Rub and Buff on the Armor. Only 11 more to go. Also when I was at the LGS one of the paints I need was Bugman's Glow.....and did not get it.     


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

Kill Team: Hivestorm

I was able to order my Kill Team: Hivestorm box via my LGS along with KT: Scout Cards.  I really excited about the Aquilons and I need to resume working my Psian Jackals.          But I also have my Scouts to work on     Looking at having a team ready for drop day. I guess it will be the scouts. So by October 5th, I am hoping to have my 11 Exorcists Scouts ready for Kill Team.    


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

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