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About this blog

General build, paint and gaming blog of various Games Workshop games in the 30k/ 40k universes.


Horus Heresy era

  • Raven Guard
  • Custodes
  • Sisters of Silence (allies)
  • Adeptus Titanicus


Warhammer 40k

  • Grey Knights
  • Adepta Sororitas
  • Militarum Tempestus
  • Imperial Agents



  • Redemptionist/ Cawdor

Entries in this blog

Silence is Golden.....

Another weekend has come and gone and well I had to take some extra time off but had to go in and conduct training at work on Sunday.   I started the weekend working on my bases for the Sisters of Silence all 31 of them....     Vallejo White pumice, tile grout and rocks, cut of coffee stir sticks, Pegasus hobbies bricks,  Gale force 9 barb wire, and of course citadel skulls.    Then I started building 5 Prosecutors     I am awaiting the

Helmets, doggies and birdies

Well the esty order has arrived and I forgot to take photos of the helmeted heads . Overall I am really impressed with them and I will need to attach the top knots to them ones with out them. I only going to do the 10 heads well 9 actually for the Raptora Cadre.      The Crows and Cyber dogs came in. Both are super nice. Dogs feel like they are bit small compared to the crows. But the are still Good boys..     here is another scale pic   Next t

The Silent Sisterhood

So the remodel is in progress but going very well but unfortunately due to crazy Arizona weather, fiancé and some of the kids being sick last weekend it is hitting me finally. Tired, sick, and sore not a good combo, I am trying to fight through it all.   While moving stuff around in preparation of the remodel, I was putting box kits on the shelves and putting my unboxed Redemptionist and Sisters of Silence in the rolling cart with other stuff. I being debating what I want as my allies


W.A.Rorie in Sisters of Silence

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