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About this blog

General build, paint and gaming blog of various Games Workshop games in the 30k/ 40k universes.


Horus Heresy era

  • Raven Guard
  • Custodes
  • Sisters of Silence (allies)
  • Adeptus Titanicus


Warhammer 40k

  • Grey Knights
  • Adepta Sororitas
  • Militarum Tempestus
  • Imperial Agents



  • Redemptionist/ Cawdor

Entries in this blog

More Grey Knight Projects!!!!

As I continue to prep for 2025 I have added a few more projects.    The largest project is building the 23 Terminators:     Currently 10 of 23 are built      next project is the Land Raiders 3 of 6 built.....wasn't it 5 the other day....     Started Land Raider # 4      Redeemer #1 of 2....why    Cause land raider "Phobos" should be here shortly     yup a Proteus as a Pho


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

"I am His sword as He is my armour."

Trying to get back in the swing of painting has been tough. I have been dealing with the stress of being a new  (step) dad, wedding planning, normal life, and work. While it is not depression or it may be a slight depression, it kept me from getting motivated in the hobby.  It also could be the pile of Grey plastic sprues, base coated models and boxes of unbuilt models.  So with Imperial Agents coming out I knew I would be going to the LGS to pick up my preorder, I figure why not get a game or t


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

"Armoured in faith, shielded by devotion and armed with purity of purpose."

My previous blog post I talked about getting third of my  6 kids the start to their Armies (Blood Angels, Genestealer Cult, and Death Guard).  The remaining 3 are a little too young still.    Well Saturday was preorder day as we all know. I had a huge list of what I wanted and only missed out on 2 things.... both the Daemonbreaker and Oath of Damnation novels.       I will get the soft cover or audible versions eventually.   While that was what


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

"One Unbreakable Shield Against The Coming Darkness"

So last night I sat down to organize my Grey Knight Terminators to see how many more I needed to make my Brotherhood Terminators 10 man......cause why not. There are 2 squads that have 8 men, 2 squads have 7 and the last 2 have 6 men. I have 2 unopened boxes of terminators so another 2 more would allow me to max out the 6 squads with Apothecaries and Ancients I could then add ancients to my Paladin squads.    Below is my Terminator Armor 2nd Brotherhood. (Not Shown is Variant Grandmast


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

"We fight for the Imperium, not our souls!"

As the threat of Combat Patrol against my kids looms ever so closer, the more I feel the pull towards my Grey Knights. I have lots of little side projects for them including more banner bearers and increasing squad size. Plus all the vehicles I have for them          Plus getting some of the servants from Skaventide to add to my Inquisition.  I think I may have to revisit my Kill Team and I am hoping for a codex soon....


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

Vacation time relaxation

Well on a much needed vacation with my fiancé after a very stressful week taking care of family emergency.    Cruise ship, beaches, and Caribbean sunshine…..away from my models and hobby stuff but I did bring the Grey Knight Omnibus by Ben Counter to read while enjoying the sunshine on the balcony, poolside and on the beach.    I am gonna pick up the other books (Sons of Titan and Crowe series) for the next cruise in May to Alaska.    Thunderhawk project is still in planning


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

"We are the Hammer!"

So after looking at display case in preparation for the Call to Arms Event, I am going to do Grey Knights.   Need to paint: 1 point per model: 2 6 man Terminator squads, 1 single terminator for another squad, the other half of my 10 man Paladin squad, 5 man Paladin squad, 11 Purifiers, 5 Interceptors, 2 5 man Purgation- (49 points total) 3 points per model: MK IV Venerable Dreadnought, Castellum Dreadnought, 3 Nemesis Dreadknights- (15 points total) 4 points per model: A


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

Brutality of Boarding Actions

So after a long hiatus, due to work, I was able to hang out with my local gaming group, Metal Head Armory, for some much need Grim Dark action. I played 3 games of Boarding Action all with my Grey Knight Terminator Strike force and we played Mission 6 form the current White Dwarf # 484.    My list: Blades of Victory Brotherhood Brotherhood Librarian (Stormbolter, halbred, warp changing & Empyric Amp)  5 terminators (Justicar Daemon Hammer, Psycannon, halbreds) 5


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

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