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About this blog

General build, paint and gaming blog of various Games Workshop games in the 30k/ 40k universes.


Horus Heresy era

  • Raven Guard
  • Custodes
  • Sisters of Silence (allies)
  • Adeptus Titanicus


Warhammer 40k

  • Grey Knights
  • Adepta Sororitas
  • Militarum Tempestus
  • Imperial Agents



  • Redemptionist/ Cawdor

Entries in this blog

"Why should I fear the Daemon? He has no power over me."— Brother-Captain Castavor Drak

Well I wanted to get some modeling done the past few days but was not able too. Adulting  . Would not recommend. Zero out of Five stars. Actually it was fun, spending time with girlfriend and her kids, and since she is leaving for a cruise in a week, modeling has to take a back seat for a few days more.    We are  approaching the Call to Arms event, 10th edition drops on 06/24, and possibly more fun things.  My Grey Knights are the most completed of my owned armies, so they will be my


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Well that was odd few months.......

So its been a crazy few months in my personal life. The end result has made me a better person and I am very happy the direction my life is going.  But I did bust out the brush and dice getting the Adepta Sororitas out for some boarding action and resumed painting.  Unfortunately I may have to repaint the less than 10 models completed to match the robe technique I'm using for the black robes. 


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Victory or Death..............

So new GF insists I hang out with my Friend so I was able to go play a 1500 pt game of Horus Heresy vs my Friends Iron Warriors this weekend. Sadly I conceded due to loss of units that could hurt his Kratos and Contemptor. Dark Furies were awesome but needed to be shielded from shooting.  Once in range they were shot up by Shrapnel Bolters.  Jump Praetor fought well but ended up dying in a challenge to his Praetor.    I got home yesterday and started reorganizing the Pile of Shame. I s


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Call To Arms

Well the Call to Arms event has been announced here and now I have 1 month to decide on my pledge. I know it will be Imperium, but will it Adepta Sororitas (lots of stuff primed), Grey Knights (mainly Land Raiders left to build and some units to paint), or Raven Guard/ Raptors (Raptors have some paint so should be eliminated, but Raven guard is on the sprue.)   Really I am leaning to towards my Grey Knights as well they are the most painted of my armies plus I have 5 Land Raiders and a


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

"Trust in the God-Emperor. But trust your blade, too." Inquisitor Atellus Thrax

So Girlfriend is on vacation until end of the month with her best friend, so that means not bouncing between 2 homes. I need to get the repairs done so I can get my house sold and move in with her, but we are still waiting a little bit (few months).  With her gone I figured it is a great time to get long overdue projects done modeling wise. Plus 10th edition is coming very soon. And I am going all in with my Grey Knights for 10th Ed.   Here is my planned projects:   Grey Kni


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Hobby Updates

Well I had some weekend projects in mind earlier this week, work on my Blood Angels Combat Patrol, Purchase Arks of Omen: Angron and Space Marine Boarding Patrol box.     I built the Librarian from the Combat Patrol put magnets on all the bases for the My Blood Angels, did make to Local Warhammer store and did my preorder (Arbites Coin Yeah!). But since the weather here in AZ has bee crazy it started off at 42* Friday morning but was 75* when I got home at 2pm from work so I was able t


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Pride of the Ravenguard

So I found out I have 20 Sisters of Silence and the BL Character model.....Not bad. Gonna do a squad of 15 with execution blades and the Character as my Abysmal HQ.   On the Ravenguard army front I have be list building and setting up the lists as different Companies, such as 901st Reconnaissance Company or the 509th Armored Company (TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!). But lately I have been working on my 132nd Heavy Assault Company.   The 132nd Consists of Land Raiders Proteus (3 planned- o


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Work in Progress!

So the new furniture arrived from Ikea yesterday.  Between work and taking care of the kids, the Fiancé and me have the task of building all the furniture and rearraigning the office.  Which may included painting and changing out the lights.        Last night we moved the items bins full of hobby stuff, books, etc. out of the office. Then we moved the old furniture we were getting rid of out on to the downstairs patio. After dinner and cleaning up after dinner, we moved a cab


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Work in Progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While celebrating my birthday this weekend with my amazing Fiancée, we went to Ikea to look at things to remodel our bedroom and walk out closet. I was pricing out my new desk build out. Well the I found a larger desk and chair for cheaper.      So now I am looking at upgrading my paint racks since I have a larger surface area compared to before by 8 inches depth.     And I will be getting new glass cases eventually.    and as a nice surprise m


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Xenos Threats Spotted....Grey Knights Engage

Well first game of 10th edition is in the books......While the Sons of Titan technically won the battle, the losses were so heavy a tactical withdrawl was needed.    I played against my buddy's ork army Consisting of a Mek, Mega nobs, 6 Killer kans, Deff Dread, 3 deff kopters and 2 Flash gitz squads Vs my Librarian, 5 Terminators (psycannon), 5 strike marines (psycannon), 5 interceptors, 5 purgation (4 psilencers) and to 2 lasbacks. Game ended with 4 dead kans, and 3 deff kopters and I


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

XIXth Legion Army badge and Sisters of Silence Update

Well I was going through the Sisters of Silence to see how many models I actually I have. Turns out I have 20 Sisters of Silence plus the Black Library Character. I did order another 5 Sisters of Silence. Plus I ordered some bits off of Etsy.    First off was this     I ordered 10 Heads I figured these would be great for my Raptora Bodygurad.    Then I found these       Cyber puppies!!!!!   And since my Pursuer Cadre will be


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

The Instrument of His will!

Well what a month is has been. Little hobby time, long vacation from work, massive 12,000 pt Horus Heresy game, and got Married! But work vacation time is over so back to work at my real job....   So I have been thinking about updating my Grandmaster De Sonnac and well I do have another Voldus...     Psycannon Grandmaster   Well then since I was building him I figured I would build some the Inquisitors I have laying around.       I built


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Upcoming Work in Progress!

So last night my Fiancé and I were discussing the lack of work space in our shared Office/ Hobby Room.  I have a decent amount of workspace but lack display space. She has decent storage space but not enough counter space to work. We have been redoing all the rooms lately so we are no stranger to Ikea visits and deliveries. So after a few minutes of discussion and measurements, and looking at different cabinets,  we purchased new Furniture and agreed to repaint the room in to a lighter color.  M


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

My Wallet is crying......or will be

Sunday 08/04 WarComm Preview   So most Sundays Previews, I laugh at my gaming group cause very little do I have anything I have to buy......not this week.   Well since I have a huge Inquisitorial army already this is no brainer      along with this     Plus I want this for discounted price of the models     and Coteaz is ok.....   Well because I love the thought of Space Hulks  (cough cough Terminators)


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

A Story of Death or Victory- The Angels of the XIXth Legion Raven Guard Pt1

I am a Rememberacer. My job as given to me by Holy Terra, is that of a documenter, as journalist, if you will. Even as I write this, I wonder if it will be read by others. I am one of lucky few, given the opportunity to join the Emperor’s Great Crusade, as the Legions bring the worlds back under the Emperor’s light. This the story of my time, or better yet, retelling of the battles of that the Angels of the XIXth Legion, Raven Guard, I witnessed. The fleet, XIXth Legion, Raven Guard, 707th Exped


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

54th Psian Jackals Part 2

Well that was a good hobby weekend.....well 4 day weekend. My Fiancé had PRK (Photorefractive keratectomy is a laser eye surgery similar to LASIK), since she already had LASIK, done a few years ago so she was down most the weekend so I got to do hobby time while watching the kids, with exception of Monday due to wedding planning meetings and Friday was her surgery so once we were home it was hobby time.    Friday while waiting for her procedure to finish I purchased some items to make


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Dice Trays

So one of things l like to do in the hobby is have custom dice trays, dice bags and dice for each of my armies.....weird I know it but something easy for me to grab when I am going out to play.    Well one of the my custom items arrived yesterday and so amazing.  It is from one of my favorite sellers of Etsy, OwlKindofDesign.   I have ordered 3 Dice trays from her and the quality and communication has been great. On average it is about a week from ordering to having product i


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

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