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General build, paint and gaming blog of various Games Workshop games in the 30k/ 40k universes.


Horus Heresy era

  • Raven Guard
  • Custodes
  • Sisters of Silence (allies)
  • Adeptus Titanicus


Warhammer 40k

  • Grey Knights
  • Adepta Sororitas
  • Militarum Tempestus
  • Imperial Agents



  • Redemptionist/ Cawdor

Entries in this blog

Grand Army part 3

So continuing the Idea of my Grand Army, todays focus will be Sisters of Silence. With the limited options available to the Sisters of Silence this will be the smallest army of my Grand Army at only 325 pts.    Sisters of Silence (325 pts)   Knight-Centura (based on Aleya Black Library model) Prosecutors 5 woman x2 Vigilators 5 woman  Witchseekers 5 woman   I have not been set on paint scheme but leaning towards gold, red robes and white interi


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

Grand Army part 2

So in my previous post I began talking about my Grand army idea starting with my Inquisitorial Forces (Agents of the Imperium- 1390 + points)   So this post is going to focus on the Astra Miliatarum, Inquisitorial Stormtrooper 909th "Hell Rain" Charlie Company.         The Inquisitorial Stormtrooper 909th, "Hell Rain" Charlie Company is currently assigned to Ordo Malleus.  Hell Rain is know for their skull war paint on their helmets, their grim demeanor, and ru


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

So it begins.....

Since my first venture into 40k, my long time friend/ opponent has been @Entropomancer. Through out the years we had some epic battles with our various armies, some great team ups on the rare occasions, and most of all a good time having fun with friends. Win or lose it has always been fun as we share the idea of Fluffy army over WAAC.    One of our goals was to have a Grand army, a  large main army with smaller playable support elements, like IG/ Astra Militarum armies of our own desi


W.A.Rorie in Grand Army Idea

Call To Arms- Update 07/24

White robes are done, the red robes done on Acolyte. but lots more to do.    2x5 man Grey Knights Paladin squads (10pts), 2x6 man Terminator squads (12pts), 1 Terminator for previous squad (1 pt) -In Progress 2 Apothecaries (10 pts), Librarian (5 pts),- In Progress 2 Ancients (10 pts)- 1 In Progress 1 Mystic (5pts)- Completed 1 Acolyte (5pts)- In Progress  


W.A.Rorie in Call to Arms

At what price did we succeed......

Well game 2 of 10th ed is in the books. I lost. It was not even close.  After pulling gambit cards at the end of turn 3 no way I could win as the 1 card I needed was removed at random. I only had the Interceptor Justicar and Librarian left.     Game was a moral victory as I took out most of his cultist and the Noctilith Crown   Highlights-  Ven Dread (lascannon/ Missile Launcher)- rolling 2's to hit turn 1 and turn 2.  Greatest 155 pts spent in list.  190 pt Purg


W.A.Rorie in Game recap

For Titan part 3

Well my Grey Knights force is ready to deploy tomorrow. I was able to get the one model that was not painted done in a few hours and complete a part of my Call of Arms Imperium Stronghold Vow.    Force Consists of : Grey Knights Librarian De Vichers (Warlord Storm bolter) Strike Squad De Hautville (Incinerator)  Strike Squad De Monglane (Psilencer) Terminator Squad Wandlain (Psycannon) Interceptor Squad De Plessiez Purgation Squad Des Barre


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Game time

For Titan part 2

Yesterday I talked briefly about this weekends game. Originally it was supposed to be 1k but we decided to make it 1500 pts instead. My opponent, Entropmancer, is playing his Iron Warriors, which will have Terminators, cultist, Chaos Marines, Chaos guard, hell brutes, master of possession, and other units. With that in mind I began recalculating my list as needed.    List 1:   Brother- Captain Brother Librarian (Warlord and Domina Liber Daemonica enhancement) Brothe


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Game time

For Titan!

So with game time this weekend I was leaning towards My Raptors, but I switched it up and I am playing my Grey Knights, as they are painted and I don't need to paint anything. Still toying with lists. Happy I have so much done as it gives me a lot of options. I believe I am playing against my friends Iron Warriors.  


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Game time


Well I have a game on 07/15 against my Friends 1k pts of Nids, Plan is use my Raptors and debating going Phobos/ Scout heavy as they are at least primed or more.  Phobos Librarian is a go and more than likely Revier LT.  Trying to figure out the rest of the force. I may need to build an Impulsor for the Reivers to ride in.    I need to start my Call to Arms vow too....hopefully this weekend    

Raptors vs Ravenguard

So every time a new edition my Raptors get kicked down the stairs.  My Raptors started out as 10th Co with support, 9th saw it adding a ton of Phobos as scouts were not troops. Now 10th ed is upon us and Phobos is not battle line. I was really planning on making my Leviathan, the Blood Angel Combat Patrol, and Boarding Patrol into Ravenguard.  Currently I am leaning towards making them Raptors. I usually play my Raptors as Ravenguard anyways.  I am trading a friend the Drukhari NIB half of Piety

Xenos Threats Spotted....Grey Knights Engage

Well first game of 10th edition is in the books......While the Sons of Titan technically won the battle, the losses were so heavy a tactical withdrawl was needed.    I played against my buddy's ork army Consisting of a Mek, Mega nobs, 6 Killer kans, Deff Dread, 3 deff kopters and 2 Flash gitz squads Vs my Librarian, 5 Terminators (psycannon), 5 strike marines (psycannon), 5 interceptors, 5 purgation (4 psilencers) and to 2 lasbacks. Game ended with 4 dead kans, and 3 deff kopters and I


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

"Trust in the God-Emperor. But trust your blade, too." Inquisitor Atellus Thrax

So Girlfriend is on vacation until end of the month with her best friend, so that means not bouncing between 2 homes. I need to get the repairs done so I can get my house sold and move in with her, but we are still waiting a little bit (few months).  With her gone I figured it is a great time to get long overdue projects done modeling wise. Plus 10th edition is coming very soon. And I am going all in with my Grey Knights for 10th Ed.   Here is my planned projects:   Grey Kni


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

"I'm an inquisitor. I do not get angry."- Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn

So Sunday evening  and Monday during my off time, I spent cleaning the house including my hobby area. I had a load of laundry to move from washer to dryer and while waiting for it to finish washing, I decided to paint since my hobby are was cleaned.  Even with my 5 Paladins on the paint handles I drifted towards paint my Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus model. I still have tons left to do on him plus more pewter Old Inquisition henchmen models, Primaris Psyker (Female) , 3 or 4 squads Inquisitoria


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

"Why should I fear the Daemon? He has no power over me."— Brother-Captain Castavor Drak

Well I wanted to get some modeling done the past few days but was not able too. Adulting  . Would not recommend. Zero out of Five stars. Actually it was fun, spending time with girlfriend and her kids, and since she is leaving for a cruise in a week, modeling has to take a back seat for a few days more.    We are  approaching the Call to Arms event, 10th edition drops on 06/24, and possibly more fun things.  My Grey Knights are the most completed of my owned armies, so they will be my


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

"We are the Hammer!"

So after looking at display case in preparation for the Call to Arms Event, I am going to do Grey Knights.   Need to paint: 1 point per model: 2 6 man Terminator squads, 1 single terminator for another squad, the other half of my 10 man Paladin squad, 5 man Paladin squad, 11 Purifiers, 5 Interceptors, 2 5 man Purgation- (49 points total) 3 points per model: MK IV Venerable Dreadnought, Castellum Dreadnought, 3 Nemesis Dreadknights- (15 points total) 4 points per model: A


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

Call To Arms

Well the Call to Arms event has been announced here and now I have 1 month to decide on my pledge. I know it will be Imperium, but will it Adepta Sororitas (lots of stuff primed), Grey Knights (mainly Land Raiders left to build and some units to paint), or Raven Guard/ Raptors (Raptors have some paint so should be eliminated, but Raven guard is on the sprue.)   Really I am leaning to towards my Grey Knights as well they are the most painted of my armies plus I have 5 Land Raiders and a


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Pride of the Ravenguard

So I found out I have 20 Sisters of Silence and the BL Character model.....Not bad. Gonna do a squad of 15 with execution blades and the Character as my Abysmal HQ.   On the Ravenguard army front I have be list building and setting up the lists as different Companies, such as 901st Reconnaissance Company or the 509th Armored Company (TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!). But lately I have been working on my 132nd Heavy Assault Company.   The 132nd Consists of Land Raiders Proteus (3 planned- o


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Victory or Death..............

So new GF insists I hang out with my Friend so I was able to go play a 1500 pt game of Horus Heresy vs my Friends Iron Warriors this weekend. Sadly I conceded due to loss of units that could hurt his Kratos and Contemptor. Dark Furies were awesome but needed to be shielded from shooting.  Once in range they were shot up by Shrapnel Bolters.  Jump Praetor fought well but ended up dying in a challenge to his Praetor.    I got home yesterday and started reorganizing the Pile of Shame. I s


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Well that was odd few months.......

So its been a crazy few months in my personal life. The end result has made me a better person and I am very happy the direction my life is going.  But I did bust out the brush and dice getting the Adepta Sororitas out for some boarding action and resumed painting.  Unfortunately I may have to repaint the less than 10 models completed to match the robe technique I'm using for the black robes. 


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Inquisitorial Forces Update

So while doing some reorganizing the other day I took inventory of  my =][= Forces:     My Inquisitor  Erasmus Cartavolnus is sitting currently primed and awaiting paint. Still need to prime/ paint 3 Culexus, Vindicare, and Callidus Assassins. I need build my Imperial Navy Breachers, Voidsmen, 15 Militarum Tempestus (including making a new Tempstor), 2 Taurox  Prime, and Valkyrie.  Hopefully I'll add some Arbites.       


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Hobby Updates

Well I had some weekend projects in mind earlier this week, work on my Blood Angels Combat Patrol, Purchase Arks of Omen: Angron and Space Marine Boarding Patrol box.     I built the Librarian from the Combat Patrol put magnets on all the bases for the My Blood Angels, did make to Local Warhammer store and did my preorder (Arbites Coin Yeah!). But since the weather here in AZ has bee crazy it started off at 42* Friday morning but was 75* when I got home at 2pm from work so I was able t


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

More Grey Knight Terminators

So I purchased another 5 GK Terminators that I needed 3 to make Variant models for the squads if I didn't want heavy weapons in my units. The other 2 models became my 3rd Apothecary and 2 Ancient.    So I have Unprimed  15  Terminators, Crowe, 11 Purifiers, 2 5 man Purgation Squads, Interceptor squad. 3 NDKs, GMNDK, and box dreadnought. Primed I have Storm Talon, MKIV Dreadnought, Paladin Ancient, Librarian (#4), Apothecary #2, 10 paladins. and I have 5 Paladins I need to resume workin


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

Brutality of Boarding Actions

So after a long hiatus, due to work, I was able to hang out with my local gaming group, Metal Head Armory, for some much need Grim Dark action. I played 3 games of Boarding Action all with my Grey Knight Terminator Strike force and we played Mission 6 form the current White Dwarf # 484.    My list: Blades of Victory Brotherhood Brotherhood Librarian (Stormbolter, halbred, warp changing & Empyric Amp)  5 terminators (Justicar Daemon Hammer, Psycannon, halbreds) 5


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

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