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About this blog

General build, paint and gaming blog of various Games Workshop games in the 30k/ 40k universes.


Horus Heresy era

  • Raven Guard
  • Custodes
  • Sisters of Silence (allies)
  • Adeptus Titanicus


Warhammer 40k

  • Grey Knights
  • Adepta Sororitas
  • Militarum Tempestus
  • Imperial Agents



  • Redemptionist/ Cawdor

Entries in this blog

A Great Unclean One almost took me down.......

Wow this cold/ Flu is freaking brutal.....chills, sinus pressure, cough, congestion, phlegm, exhaustion, fevers, all of it. Hit my house like a ton of bricks. All the kids got it along with the wife and me.  And as I was recovering, Wife and I went to Disneyland with my Bestfriend and his wife, for a mini moon without kids and of course it was cold and rainy (misty rain) so Nurgle's blessing did not go away.  And now that I am back home and back to work we are dealing with a high 80's this past


W.A.Rorie in Life

"By my heart I spurn thee..."

Well another weekend has come and gone and well I got more done on my Exorcists.      I really need to get cracking on my 12 Months of Hobby Vow, but work has been disagreeing with my hobby time....along with waiting on bases to arrive (expected this week) so hopefully I can crank out the 6 Death Watch kill team members and do an easy scheme on the Necrons.    

By my will I deny thee......

So I finally started working on my Exorcists Angel of Death Kill Team as part of my Knives in the Shadows vow,     Previously on my Exorcists I used Rub and Buff metallic paint/ wax buff.  This time the models are being primed Army Painter Matte Black then sprayed with Plate Mail Metal.  Once dried a mixture of Speedpaint 2.0 Medium and Carmine Dragon 1:2 mixture applying to the armor.      the color seemsto be a shade darker which is fine. Should be faste


W.A.Rorie in Paint

"To the void I cast thy blackened soul..." Liber Exorcismus

New Year is upon us and I am surprised I am having a desire to work on my Exorcists Chapter.  I have entered the "Knives in the Shadows" Kill Team build event, with Angels of Death Team, which runs March 1st, 2025 to May 31st, 2025     I do have a Phobos Strike Team to build....actually 2 but I do have a 5 Infiltrators     and 5 Reivers   so I need build need 5 incursors and I will have 15 models to chose from for my Phobos Strike Force Kill Team and a

2025 is upon us, Happy New Year.

I hope everyone is having a safe and Happy New Year!   Time for the annual, "What do I have planned for the hobby,"  as I previous posted (here), one of the big plans was to return to @Grotsmasha's  12 Months of Hobby XXXX (2025 here).  As promised I have my January 2025 vow submitted.  I have a bunch of Kill Teams to build and paint and well a lot of armies.     Kill Teams   Angels of Death- Deathwatch and Exorcists are currently WIP Phobos Strike

Back in to the Trenches!

Well Happy New Years all and well the first post of the New Year will be #125.    Well as I proceed down the path of the Long Vigil, I keep thinking of the basing scheme I want to do for my  Deathwatch.  I could continue with my base schemes:   Urbans: Shown on my Grey Knights    On My Skitarii Marshall (WIP)   Exorcists Scout Squad Shu'kar   54th Psian Jakals   My Horus Heresy Ravenguard    Temple


W.A.Rorie in Deathwatch

Teaching Kids 40k

Well after a furious build session this weekend, I was able to build the my son's Hand of Khaine Kill Team consisting of 10 Striking Scorpions and 5 Dire Avengers, and need to get him 5 Howling Banshees.     to go against his brother's Death Guard     and his other brothers's Hierotek Circle which I need to get him a box of Immortals/ Deathmark (2 Gauss Blaster, 1 Tesla Carbine, and 2 Deathmarks) plus other 2 Characters; Chronomancer and Psychomancer.


W.A.Rorie in Teaching Kids 40k

Did that just happen............

Ok this was not planned... I swear.    So I have been focused on my switching my paints to Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic series and Friday after work I went to 2 of my LGS. First Store I did not get paint but walked out with Watch Captain Artemis and a box of Deathwatch Veterans. Then I went to next store to pick up my online order for paints and picked up more paints. Friday night, I built the sub assemblies for the veterans and converted Artemis due to the cable was short and slappe


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

Am I really switching to Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic?

Since buying the following army painter bundles on Black Friday at mt LGS   Fantatic mega set    Fantatic Metallics    I purchased a few more sets online   Fanatic Washes   Fanatic Most Wanted   then while dealing with a slight depression due to a family issue and at LGS  I purchased these   Wargames Mega Brush Set    IMHO I think the fanatic line is great.  Dropper bottle, shaker bottle


W.A.Rorie in Paint

More Grey Knight Projects!!!!

As I continue to prep for 2025 I have added a few more projects.    The largest project is building the 23 Terminators:     Currently 10 of 23 are built      next project is the Land Raiders 3 of 6 built.....wasn't it 5 the other day....     Started Land Raider # 4      Redeemer #1 of 2....why    Cause land raider "Phobos" should be here shortly     yup a Proteus as a Pho


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

Reinforcing the Hammer, the preface

Wow, It is December already.....    As I look toward 2025, I am thinking what the future holds in the Terms of the Hobby.  I know part of the Hobby will be going to Warhammer World (and maybe a stop at Element Games has been suggested) in April/ May 2025 as part of my honeymoon excursion across England, Scotland and Ireland. The wife and I are discussing turning Office/ Hobby area into a spiritual room/ Library/ Office and moving hobby area to garage, which means garage remodel which m

Curse you, Black Friday, Curse you!

So my FLGS had a huge Black Friday Sale online and in store too. Well I picked up the Martian Civil War HH Campaign book, some Citadel Spray cans from the online sale. Then on Friday I went in store to pick up some more items like Ad Mech Onager Dunecrawler, some glue and accelerant, and some Army Painter paints which is the point of today's blog.      So as I slowly have been working on my Forgeworld Deimos Ad Mech forces, I have been using Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic pa


W.A.Rorie in Paint

"The machine spirit is prepared."

Back in June 13, 2023 I posted about building 5 Land Raiders (here). Well outside of the weapons, I only built a Hybrid Mk IIb Land Raider (Forgeworld, GW, and Blood and Skulls back vents and tracks)  for my Purifiers.        Well playing with different builds and needing Lascannons to deal with armor threats,  another Land Raider was in order.     Finally using the FW brass etch from years gone by plus FW Grey Knights Doors     


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

The Instrument of His will!

Well what a month is has been. Little hobby time, long vacation from work, massive 12,000 pt Horus Heresy game, and got Married! But work vacation time is over so back to work at my real job....   So I have been thinking about updating my Grandmaster De Sonnac and well I do have another Voldus...     Psycannon Grandmaster   Well then since I was building him I figured I would build some the Inquisitors I have laying around.       I built


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Time for small break from the hobby.

Well I am getting married in just over 3 weeks (24 days and 7 hours), so I have to take a pause from the hobby for the next few weeks. And by hobby, I mean building and painting. I need my hobby space for some wedding projects. I have to paint all the wood flowers for the wedding, work on some of the decorations, and then it is all wedding prep with some exceptions along the way.    So in about a month I will return to this Blog with more Exorcist, Psian Jakals, and Inquistion/ Imperia


W.A.Rorie in Life

Exorcist Scout Squad Shu'kra

Originally I wanted these guys done for when Kill Team: Hivestorm was released. I got close but didn't finish them. And besides building models with the kids, I really have not painted anything. They were so close too. Just had to do some skin highlights, weathering, and bases.  And with all the new Kill Team Starter coming out, Phobos Strike Team Kill Team ordered, and having 5 of the reprint Space Marine Heroes Series 4 models (I ordered a single eliminator and a Captain to round out the team)


W.A.Rorie in Exorcists Chapter

More Kill Team

Well I was able to order Data Sheets and tokens for my Scouts for Kill Team off of eBay.     And while watching my kids this weekend we built the contents of the Space Marine Board game     ....well they built the Ripper swarm and Termagants, I built (Not) LT. Titus (no photos but here is the stock photo)     And I also built  Space Marine Adventures: Tyranid Attack Board Game     and the 5 reprinted Space Marine Her


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

Dice Trays

So one of things l like to do in the hobby is have custom dice trays, dice bags and dice for each of my armies.....weird I know it but something easy for me to grab when I am going out to play.    Well one of the my custom items arrived yesterday and so amazing.  It is from one of my favorite sellers of Etsy, OwlKindofDesign.   I have ordered 3 Dice trays from her and the quality and communication has been great. On average it is about a week from ordering to having product i


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

"We have a Valkyrie down, I repeat we have a Valkyrie down"

As I continue down the Militarum Tempestus rabbit hole, I have plans for crashed Valkyries as terrain pieces. So looking up the photos I found some good ideas                   and all these images stoked the flames of the project. Along with My fascination of the events of Operation Gothic Serpent aka "Black Hawk Down" I definitely want to do this project. While talking to some friends, they agreed an


W.A.Rorie in Militarum Tempestus

54th Psian Jakals, Metal Head Armory Slow Grow League pt 1

So my gaming group is going to do a Slow Grow League to help teach my kids 40k. Starting at 500 pts and having to add 250 pts at every increase. So stepping out of the power armor and terminator armor, I have decided to play my Psian Jakals.    So with that in mind, starting games being 500 points:   -Militarum Tempestus Command Squad Tempestor Prime Command Rod (Warlord) Medic Master Vox Plasma and hotshot volley gun Scions   -Tempestus S

54th Psian Jackals Projects

So looking toward the future I will be focusing on my 54th Psian Jackals with Metal Head Armory doing a Slow Grow League. I have plenty of projects planned for the army so I figure it is time to plan out the projects:     Paint Scions- I have 30 scions waiting to be painted and still need to get a few more scion boxes (5 or 6) but  I need 2 for Valkyrie Heavy Bolter gunners* and 4 Torsos for Tauros Venator**, so that is 6, plus I want to options if I decide to drop the 3 Vox


W.A.Rorie in Militarum Tempestus

Kill Team: Hivestrom pt 5

Well it is Sunday morning and I almost made it.....Hobby last week was rough and only had time on Friday and limited time Saturday.    I was able to knock out a huge chunk of base colors on Friday afternoon/ night:     I stopped as I was tired and was at the decal stage. Saturday morning I was able to decal them and Saturday night I was able to hit them with the Agrax Earthshade     Just some highlights, weathering, and basing,   Betwee


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

54th Psian Jackals Part 3

It has been a few weeks since I have touched my 54th Psian Jackals and have been focused on my Exorcists Chapter of Adeptus Astartes. Well that is gonna have to change this weekend.      Tempestus Aquilions will be acquired this weekend.  Unfortunately I won't get much time to work on them due to working extra shifts at work.    Yesterday the rules for the Aquilions were released for 40k       and of course Datasheets  


W.A.Rorie in Militarum Tempestus

Kill Team: Hivestorm pt 4

Weekend Update.....ok I have not touched my hobby stuff since Friday night. But I spent all day Saturday with my Future (step)son who is 8 going on 9 this week, and had my Fantasy hockey Draft and Sunday we were doing family stuff. This is going to be a rough week of Hobby, the youngest (step)son is turning 6 today and Thursday is the other (step)son's birthday, so I am losing a few days of hobby this week so hopefully I can get a lot done Friday night after bed time to make my Saturday deadline


W.A.Rorie in Kill Team

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