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WAR's Blog

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About this blog

General build, paint and gaming blog of various Games Workshop games in the 30k/ 40k universes.


Horus Heresy era

  • Raven Guard
  • Sisters of Silence
  • Adeptus Titanicus


Warhammer 40k

  • Grey Knights
  • Adepta Sororitas
  • Inquisitorial Forces 



  • Redemptionist/ Cawdor

Entries in this blog

Pride of the Ravenguard

So I found out I have 20 Sisters of Silence and the BL Character model.....Not bad. Gonna do a squad of 15 with execution blades and the Character as my Abysmal HQ.   On the Ravenguard army front I have be list building and setting up the lists as different Companies, such as 901st Reconnaissance Company or the 509th Armored Company (TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!). But lately I have been working on my 132nd Heavy Assault Company.   The 132nd Consists of Land Raiders Proteus (3 planned- o


WAR in Hobby Time

Victory or Death..............

So new GF insists I hang out with my Friend so I was able to go play a 1500 pt game of Horus Heresy vs my Friends Iron Warriors this weekend. Sadly I conceded due to loss of units that could hurt his Kratos and Contemptor. Dark Furies were awesome but needed to be shielded from shooting.  Once in range they were shot up by Shrapnel Bolters.  Jump Praetor fought well but ended up dying in a challenge to his Praetor.    I got home yesterday and started reorganizing the Pile of Shame. I s


WAR in Hobby Time

Well that was odd few months.......

So its been a crazy few months in my personal life. The end result has made me a better person and I am very happy the direction my life is going.  But I did bust out the brush and dice getting the Adepta Sororitas out for some boarding action and resumed painting.  Unfortunately I may have to repaint the less than 10 models completed to match the robe technique I'm using for the black robes. 


WAR in Hobby Time

Inquisitorial Forces Update

So while doing some reorganizing the other day I took inventory of  my =][= Forces:     My Inquisitor  Erasmus Cartavolnus is sitting currently primed and awaiting paint. Still need to prime/ paint 3 Culexus, Vindicare, and Callidus Assassins. I need build my Imperial Navy Breachers, Voidsmen, 15 Militarum Tempestus (including making a new Tempstor), 2 Taurox  Prime, and Valkyrie.  Hopefully I'll add some Arbites.       


WAR in Hobby Time

Hobby Updates

Well I had some weekend projects in mind earlier this week, work on my Blood Angels Combat Patrol, Purchase Arks of Omen: Angron and Space Marine Boarding Patrol box.     I built the Librarian from the Combat Patrol put magnets on all the bases for the My Blood Angels, did make to Local Warhammer store and did my preorder (Arbites Coin Yeah!). But since the weather here in AZ has bee crazy it started off at 42* Friday morning but was 75* when I got home at 2pm from work so I was able t


WAR in Hobby Time

More Grey Knight Terminators

So I purchased another 5 GK Terminators that I needed 3 to make Variant models for the squads if I didn't want heavy weapons in my units. The other 2 models became my 3rd Apothecary and 2 Ancient.    So I have Unprimed  15  Terminators, Crowe, 11 Purifiers, 2 5 man Purgation Squads, Interceptor squad. 3 NDKs, GMNDK, and box dreadnought. Primed I have Storm Talon, MKIV Dreadnought, Paladin Ancient, Librarian (#4), Apothecary #2, 10 paladins. and I have 5 Paladins I need to resume workin


WAR in Grey Knights

Brutality of Boarding Actions

So after a long hiatus, due to work, I was able to hang out with my local gaming group, Metal Head Armory, for some much need Grim Dark action. I played 3 games of Boarding Action all with my Grey Knight Terminator Strike force and we played Mission 6 form the current White Dwarf # 484.    My list: Blades of Victory Brotherhood Brotherhood Librarian (Stormbolter, halbred, warp changing & Empyric Amp)  5 terminators (Justicar Daemon Hammer, Psycannon, halbreds) 5


WAR in Grey Knights

1st post of many........

So for the last few years I have had  blog over at W.A.Rorie's Gaming blog and well I have tried to stay active there and here on the B&C with all my various build and paint logs. So for ease of record keeping I'll slowly end my other blog and continue here with my blog. Below is are Links to my various paint blogs and hopefully I will be more active here.    Grey Knights     Raven Guard (HH) and Raptors Chapter (40k)   Adepta Sororitas   Inquisitorial


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