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About this blog

Welcome to my blog! In this space I'll be collecting my various painting projects, battle reports and general musings on the hobby as we know it.


B&C Long Fangs may already know of my Blood Angels, Tyranids, Xenos and Heresy painting logs, and this will not replace them, however this will collect the products of all of these, and be the home to my battle reports!


Army Specific Discussions

The Blood Angels 4th Company and Red Scar Crusade
Hive Fleet Jabberwocky

Xenith's Xenos

Advanced Infiltration: Alpha Legion




Entries in this blog

Necro-fun-Da: Rad Reavers Rise

I think I might have shared these already, however since October I've been involed in a Necromunda Campaign at my local club, which has been very fun and rewarding, and captured my imagination, attention and obsession like a GW game hasn't since maybe, mordheim? Early heresy 2.0 is up there also as I collected a brand new Alpha Legion Army.    My blog has so far been primarily battle reports, however none for necromunda so far, so I'll be having a go at typing up reports of my games so


Xenith in Necromunda

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