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About this blog

A collection of different hobby projects set within the Warhammer 40.000 universe, both finished and WiP. Also, puns.


As I find myself completely unable to muster any enthusiasm for the current edition of Warhammer 40.000, I have instead chosen to focus on older editions and other games, such as 4th ed. Warhammer 40.000, Horus Heresy, Necromunda, GorkaMorka and my own homebrewed co-op narrative (or “roleplay lite”) game. So these will all make an appearance eventually, as will any number of terrain and painting projects.

Entries in this blog

Death Guard kill team, Chapter three: Starting to feel faint

So, I got slightly sidetracked today by a Civilization Halloween scenario involving zombies (who can say no to that kind of thing?). On top of that, the Queen of the Blackened Moon has been struck down by Grandfather Nurgle's blessing, so a lot of yesterday and today went with bringing her tea, preparing food and making "aww!" noises. Still, it's not all bad as I've managed to remember my old "heavy rust" recipe, which I decided I'd better apply at least the first couple of steps of before bring


Antarius in Realm of Chaos

Death Guard kill team, Chapter two: Running a slightly elevated temperature

I was actually thinking this might be the time when I'd really buckle down and figure oil paints out, but I was not quite certain where to start and if it'd be a good idea to have more stuff done before I started washing. So, I chickened out and kept going on some other stuff to postpone my decision, mainly the leather straps, wood and brass trim/details and here's where we ended up: Which is... Pretty ok, I guess? they suffer a bit from being at the stage where nothing really looks


Antarius in Realm of Chaos

Death Guard kill team chapter one: getting the sniffles

First off, welcome to the first part of my fall project, which by popular demand has turned out to be a Death Guard kill team (whether it will actually be used for kill team is anyone's guess, but I have a lot of DG laying around and I wanted to paint at least some of them up). The general idea is that I'll be using this blog to keep me motivated through a, historically speaking, difficult time of year where motivation can often ebb. So any comments or suggestions you may want to leave are highl


Antarius in Realm of Chaos

The first episode of our Necromunda co-op/roleplay

So, I've been working on a set of rules for co-operative play for some time now (and have actually played a succesful mini-campaign some time ago, where a group of Imperial Guard veterans where sent to investigate a mysteriously quiet space station, but that's another story...). The core rules seem to work pretty well, so now I've moved on to the next step: creating "campaign packs" that allow for story-based campaigns based around randomly generated scenarios. Last weekend, we got out first g

A Dataslate for a homebrew game and some idle musings on making stuff

I've been toying with making a homebrewed co-op game for use with 40K/Necromunda rules for the past couple of years. The idea originally popped into my head because I was a bit disillusioned with both the (then) current state of Warhammer 40.000, as well as not really "feeling it" when it came to playing army-scale games. Partly due to not having the time and energy for actually painting an army and keeping up on the rules, but also because I simply didn't enjoy the experience the last couple of

Daemons of Tzeentch

I recently painted up a small fraction of my (many, many) Daemons, as a vow for the Call to Arms. I basically just threw together whatever Tzeentch stuff I thought would be fun and pledged them. It had the added benefit that I was able to use them for a game of Old World (as I could just make all the stuff I had pledged into a - pretty ineffective - army), so that was a big help in keeping motivated. I lost the game, of course, but now I have a bunch of my Daemons painted!  

Some painted Orks and Gretchin for GorkaMorka

So, I recently painted up some Boyz and some Grotz, plus a big Trukk and some scatter terrain. I'm not sure I'll ever actually get to use them, but we've kicked the idea of playing GorkaMorka around from time to time, so now I have them ready if we ever end up needing them. Alternatively, they might find some use as adversaries in a co-op game some day.        


Antarius in GorkaMorka

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