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About this blog

A compendium of Mike Zulu's fan-fiction and miniature showcases set in the Matteus Subsector of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

The major subjects of the Strifes are:

  • The Defence of Dakota Minor, circa 884M41
  • Barbed Gate Crusade, circa 927M41
  • The Expeditions of Kill-Team Rapier, 920M41 to 957M41

Entries in this blog

Zahhak - Tyranid Splinter Fleet (927M41)

Introduction Splinter fleet Zahhak was part of a much larger Tyranid hive fleet that entered the galaxy from below the galactic plane, which would be designated Leviathan in 997M41. Zahhak first entered the Matteus Subsector in 927M41 and struck the various worlds within, focusing on the worlds within the Matteus Epsilon system. However, the relatively remote location and the resilience of the native flora prevented the Splinter Fleet from breaking out into the neighbouring subsectors and t
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