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  1. +DataRequest: HIVEFLEET\NIHILUS\LEVIATHAN\JABBERWOCKY... ... ... +INQUISITORIAL SANCTION REQUIRED.... ...=][= +ACCESS GRANTED. WELCOME BACK INQUISITOR... ++HIVE FLEET JABBERWOCKY++ Welcome to my attempt to get into the Hive. I have a small Tyranid army from a long time ago that never really got off the ground when I discovered chaos, but I've always wanted to have one. Now, 8th 9th ed, and being out of uni and having a real job means all my wishes come true. After reading the WHCommunity article on nids, and feeling some of the buzz, I went and picked up a Start Collecting! set from a GW, and then managed to score the last Brood Progenitor in stock at my FLGS. Between these and all the Tyranids that come bundled with Blood Angels boxed sets, I have a decent force to start me off. ++The Current Disposition of Hive Fleet Jabberwocky++ Assembled/Undercoated/Painted Leader Beasts (HQ) 'The Consuming Wraith' - Hive Tyrant Warrior Prime (1) 'The Wail of Ballan'Tar' - Neurothrope Trygon Prime (1) Tervigon (1) Neurotyrant (1) Tyranid Prime with Wings (1) Ymgarl Strain (Genestealers) Brood Lord 'The Icharan Dread' (1) Genestealers (16) Brood Beasts (Troops) Warrior Brood (3) Termagant Brood with Fleshborers (20) Termagant Brood with Devourers (16) Hormagaunt Brood (25) Gargoyles (10) Ripper Swarm (3) Barbgaunts (5) Neurogaunts (11) Specialist Genus (Elites) Lictors (3) Zoanthrope Brood (6) Venomthrope on foot (1) Venomthrope Brood (3) Von Ryan's Leapers (3) Maleceptor (1) Harassment Species (Fast Attack) Spore Mines (24) Ravener Swarm (6) A Parasite of Mortrex (1) Destroyer Beasts (Heavy Support) Hive Guard (3) Screamer Killer (1) 'The Elder Talon' - Tyrannofex Hive Guard Alpha Pack - note dermal enhancements (3) Carnifex (1) Belial's Bane - Exocrine/Haruspex (1) Mawloc (1) Screamer Killer (1) Psychophage (1) Flyer/Transport Harpy (1) Tyrannocyte (1) The following Imperial forces have lost troops and materiels to the onslaught of the Hive Fleet Leviathan Tendril designated 'Jabberwocky': The Blood Angels; The Grey Lizards; Drukhari Raiding Force; Custodes; The Emperor's Children; Cadians; Orks Imperial Knights My big grey pile of Nids to paint ------------------- Original First Post My initial messing around with schemes, which are spoilered below if anyone wants to see I ended up settling on the blue skin, white carapace scheme, but with a little purple in the recesses. Currently to my name, I have a painted Hormagaunt, Warrior and Ripper Swarm. Thanks for looking!
  2. Hello folks, It's been a while. Haven't had much time or drive to do anything 40k-related in the past couple of years but I made a few purchases here and there, and the Pile of Grey grows larger. To try and combat that, I've set myself the task to paint every couple of days and to paint the stuff that I feel like painting. In the past, I've always pushed myself to paint models for a specific project with a relatively strict deadline and it never really worked out. I'm hoping this new, more fluid/flexible approach will work better. Anyway, to start us off, I've been painting some Tyranids recently. I got the Leviathan box last year and slowly built up a 1000-point army list for an escalation league in the late summer that petered out after a few weeks. Now, in 2024, a friend of mine is getting into 40k with a fledgling Deathwatch army and I've felt motivated to put some paint onto my Tyranids with the hope that we'll be able to organise a game for some point next month. Here's the result of the first few painting sessions: - 10 Termagants - a Winged Tyranid Prime I'm currently working on the Screamer-Killer from the Leviathan box. I've also got plans to work on some Adeptus Titanicus scale models, some Necromunda gangers, and some Space Marines for both 30k and 40k. Thanks for reading this far; take care!
  3. Hey Guys! So, like so many others here, I've decided to create a PLOG (or BLOG) for the creation of my primaris army. Important: I plan to actually try and get around to painting this stuff, unlike my hundreds of standard Blood Angels Astartes. The original goal had been to build the starter set and get those painted, but a nice chap I know offered to trade his Primaris for my Death Guard, which i (unsurprisingly) accepted. I had also ordered a few bits from Bits and Kits too... Anyway, so why do I care about Primaris? For me they look how I've always imagined marines, the proportions look so much better than just about any True Scale marine I've seen, although there are a few that I thing come pretty close. I also am in the minority, in that I like the way the background is going, I actually like the idea that the Imperium isn't on a total back foot for the first time in probably the full 10 millenia since the Heresy! I can totally get behind the idea that a secret project to create better Astartes was sanctioned but because of the bureaucracy and shear inefficiency of the Imperium, such a project could then languish when it was desperately needed. Sure, I get that it's "Just GW trying to sell models", of course it is, its a business. But for me at least, I actually like the way the background is going (WE MOVED FORWARD IN TIME! HOORAY!!). As some of you may know, I've been in the hobby around 21 years now. And I've also been a member of this forum for the since 2004, I've seen so many inspirational things come out of this forum and I'm always greatful for the awesome stuff people come up with! So thanks for that As any of you that came across my old Blood Angels blog, or maybe some of my older porjects even on here will know, I usually like to do fairly substantial conversions, lots of reposing and sculpting. I imagine this project will eventually get more of that too, but for now, I'm focusing on keeping things reasonably simple, so I can get things to a point I'm happy to paint in a reasonable amount of time and (hopefully!) actually get stuff painted. I'll still be doing conversions on things of course, but probably not much in the way of heavy sculpting beyond stuff like hair and little details. The concept for my army, will be the soldiers assigned to 2nd Company to replenish it after the events of Angels Blade/Traitors Hate and then the Devastation of Baal. Once that book (or other helpful sources) comes out, I'll probably do a minor reshuffle to fit whatever official format GW Assigns Primaris in the Blood Angels chapter. I am hoping the info on existing Astartes being 'upgraded' proves to be true, but if not I'll work around it. But I'd like to 'upgrade' my Aphael to Primaris status, probably once I've got the new captain in hand and can work it out. Anyway, so here's what I've done so far! EVERY IMAGE IS CLICKABLE TO SEE A LARGER VERSION What you see above is Four Intercessor squads, Two Hellblaster squads, Three Ancients, Four Lieutenants and a Captain in Gravis Armour. There are also a set of Intercessors, but I cannot finish building those till I have painted the heads and sprayed the bodies. For the Lieutenants, I have built two stock, with a a shoulder pad change on one of them and some BA blood drop bling added to both - didnt bother taking extra pictures of those two. I then have a second ranged Lieutenant with a bit more of an involved conversion: He has a hand from one lieutenant, body from the other, an arm from a lieutenant with the hand from a sergeant, a shoulder pad swap, replaced the pistol on his waist with one from the mk3 kit, head from a hellblaster sergeant. Overall I'm pretty happy that I've managed to make him quite distinctive from the standard two. I then have probably my favourite model so far - Again, the conversion is simple, but I feel it's worked very nicely for pose, leaning forward like he has just completed an arcing slash with the sword. I need to sculpt hair on him still, unsure on exact style I'll go for, probably messy short hair. For the Intercessors, Squad 1: This squad has a few shoulder pad swaps (every squad has a few), Sergeant is close to stock, different right arm (one from a lieutenant, with the bolter from the sergeant, used the sergeant arm, but replaced the hand with one holding a bolter clip from the blood angels tactical squad. Sqaud 2: This unit is almost built stock, just some shoulder pad changes. Squad 3: This squad again had a few shoulder pad changes, sergeant uses a bionic arm from devastators, head is a sergeant head with hair shaved down (he'll stay bald), quite happy with how he looks. Squad 4: This unit is again, fairly stock, simple head swap on the walking and shooting marine, sergeant had a shoulder swap (this was the first unit I built) Next Is Ancient 1 and Hellblaster Squad 2: The Hellblaster squad has every model with a shoulder swap, sergeant uses head from a Lieutentant and has both pads swapped.Ancient is totally stock except for a tiny bit of BA bling added to his belt (one of the scroll pouches). Ancient 2, Hellblaster Squad 1 and Ancient 3: Ancient 2 has a head from assault squad and both shoulder pads replaced. Hellblasters have a couple pads replaced but are otherwise totally standard, Ancient 3 has a bolter arm from a sergeant, head from devastators and a little bling added to his backpack, banner top replaced with a bit from BA tactical kit - I see this Ancient as a marine that was 'upgraded', or if that turns out to not be something that happens, one of the first BA Primaris, along the lines of the Ancient from Dark Imperium Book. And finally, a shot of Everything that is built as it stands: The Gravis Captains back isn't stuck on, so I can paint the helmet easier. It's a stock model, I'm thinking of trying to do a fairly elaborate conversion with the second, but thats low priority for now. So, still to build I have: a third hellblaster squad, a fifth intercessor squad, a second inceptor squad, a second gravis captain and two more lieutenants. I plan to build the Inceptors for sure, but may hold off on the others for now. I will definitely be picking up two Repulsors, a Redemptor, both the regular and birthday Captains, the Librarian and probably just the one set of Reivers for the time being. I personally love the Repulsor, it looks awesome, I'm very interested to see the rules for it, I am excited to see how it plays and hopeful that it'll help with Primaris playability on the table - I recognise that they aren't deemed good currently. The Redemptor looks great, I am interested to see what build options it has, something with a smaller central plate would be good, and I'm really wanting an exposed helmet sat in there instead of the sarcophagus, but think I may be able to convert that using spare BA dread bits anyway. The HQ models all look good, albeit a little unexciting, but they'll also likely be where I focus most of my conversion efforts. The Reivers show great promise in concept, and I absolutely love the stripped down armour, but the poses aren't great, so I'll see what I can do there... a fellow Frater over in the BA forum suggested they might look good with Alabaster Death Masks... and now I need to at least look at that for an option!. Anyway, if you got this far, thanks for reading! C&C welcome as always.
  4. Introduction Splinter fleet Zahhak was part of a much larger Tyranid hive fleet that entered the galaxy from below the galactic plane, which would be designated Leviathan in 997M41. Zahhak first entered the Matteus Subsector in 927M41 and struck the various worlds within, focusing on the worlds within the Matteus Epsilon system. However, the relatively remote location and the resilience of the native flora prevented the Splinter Fleet from breaking out into the neighbouring subsectors and the greater Segmentum. Combined with a timely Imperial response to the Tyranid incursion, Splinter Fleet Zahhak was crushed after several months, reduced it to nothing more than a seasonal pest for the two Imperial worlds. A Tyranid swarm charges the Imperial defences on Barbed Gate. Splinter Fleet Zahhak’s appearance, galactic movements and strategic behaviour was very similar to Leviathan, which was the reasoning for being later designated as the same Hive Fleet in 999M41. What distinguished Zahhak from the bulk of Leviathan was inception into the galaxy seventy years ahead of the rest of Leviathan. Additionally, many bioforms were identified in Zahhak that had not been recorded in the First Tyrannic War, and most have not been seen since. It is theorised by members of the Ordo Xenos and other Imperial biologists that this splinter fleet was more experimental than its bulk, and was assessing potential attack vectors before committing itself to a wide-scale invasion through the galactic plane. Unique bioforms that have been sighted among Zahhak’s forces; some of which have yet to be sighted in other Hive Fleets. Sometime after the galactic invasion of Hive Fleet Leviathan in 997M41, Splinter Fleet Zahhak would be re-designated as Hive Fleet Leviathan Splinter “34-Omicron”, and remembered by the Imperium as a lesser conflict with the Tyranid species. Some of the bioforms unique to Zahhak would reemerge in Leviathan and other hive fleets, albeit with variations and improvements. A Tyranid Mawloc (above) and a Hive Crone (below), of Splinter Fleet Zahhak. Both bear similar markings to Hive Fleet Leviathan. The Invasion of the Matteus Epsilon System Hive Fleet Zahhak made planetfall on the two Imperial civilised worlds of Black Jewel and Barbed Gate in the Matteus Epsilon system, in 927M41. The alarm was raised by Inquisitor Malethann of the Ordo Xenos, thanks to the efforts of Kill Team Rapier on the outer reaches of the system. They confirmed the presence of a Tyranid hive fleet en route to Barbed Gate from below the star system plane. The sudden incursion of Tyranids so far from the Eastern Fringe (the locale of what would be known as the First Tyrannic War) prompted a drastic response from Battlefleet Agripinaa and the local Astra Militarum regiments. A Black Templars crusade fleet that had been using Matteus Epsilon as a refueling and rearming station also heeded the call and declared the beginning of the "Barbed Gate Crusade". Finally, Kill Team Rapier and members of the Ordo Xenos were involved for the more complex assignments, namely assassinations and recovery of key Tyranid alphas and synapse creatures. A Black Templars strike force engages Zahhak in a spearhead assault, in the wildlands of Barbed Gate. The Tyranid splinter fleet quickly found itself in a ruthless conflict with not only the human defenders, but also the hardy and protruding flora of Barbed Gate and Black Jewel, for which even the ravenous xenos were under-prepared to consume. These difficulties saw Zahhak easily divided and cut off from the bulk of their hive species, making them easy prey for the Imperial forces. The effective culling of the various synapse creatures and leaders, thanks to the efforts of Kill Team Rapier, also saw the efficacy of the splinter fleet's strategies and tactics significantly weaken over time. Eventually, after several months, the splinter fleet had found itself disconnected from the Hive Mind; the Tyranids bioforms of Zahhak reverted to their base instincts, and took refuge in the barbed foliage native to Barbed Gate and Black Jewel. They ceased to be a true threat to the Imperium, reduced to nothing more than a season pest to the human controlled worlds. But with the ever increasing number of Tyranid hive fleets entering the galaxy in the decades to come, it is likely a question of when, not if, the remnants of Splinter Fleet Zahhak will rejoin the Hive Mind... The Tyranid Prime known as the the “Caustic Menace”, is ambushed by Kill Team Rapier within the protruding flora native to Barbed Gate.
  5. Hi guys! I've been playing Warhammer 40k for over a decade now, and have my fair share of armies. I've had small blogs scattered on various forums before, but most haven't been updated in years, are archived and/or are filled with dead images. So I figured I'd just consolidate everything into a single blog, showing some of my older stuff and then continue with stuff I'm working on now or in the future. Apologies if you've seen some of the stuff before. I'm not the fastest nor the best painter, and with my short attention span I generally move between projects often to keep me from getting bored on painting the same stuff constantly. So here's my stuff, I hope you enjoy! I'll update this first post as an index to the posts with content for easy future reference. Tyranids - Hive Fleet Leviathan This was my first army which I started in 2008, after me and a few friends got into the hobby from playing the Dawn of War video games. I just loved the little gribblies and big monsters. Too inexperienced to realize beige is a pain in the ass to paint, I settled on a Leviathan-esque paint job before Hive Fleet Adaptations were a thing. Zoanthrope - Done Carnifex - 1, 2 Gants - Done Gargoyles - Done Trygon - Done Winged Hive Tyrant - Done Hive Crone - Done Swarmlord & Tyrant Guard - Done Tervigon - Done Exocrine - Done Haruspex - Done Tyrannofex - Done Deathleaper - Done Maleceptor - Done Old One Eye - Done Tyranid Warriors w/ Ranged Bio-Weapons - Done Grey Knights I always had a weak spot for the Daemonhunters, so I started this army in 2011 when the first plastic GK models came out together with their 5th edition codex. I also started experimenting with an airbrush around this time after failing to paint their power weapons one too many times (I still fail at blending). Haven't done much with them since 7th really after the Inquisition and Grey Knights got split up in separate codexes, and their current edition codex just feels lacking. Librarian - Done Brotherhood Ancient - Done Apothecary - Done Kaldor Draigo - Done Terminators/Paladins - Done Strike Squad - Done Purifiers - Done Inquisitor Coteaz - Done Ordo Malleus Inquisitor - Done Vindicare Assassin - Done Dreadnought - Done Venerable Dreadnought - Done Nemesis Dreadknight - Done Land Raider - Done Stormraven - Done Eldar - Craftworld Saim-Hann I started collecting Saim-Hann when their 6th edition codex came out in 2013, when the plastic wind riders and wraithguard came out. Jetbikes and wraith constructs are my two favourite aspects about Craftworld Eldar and I liked the vibrant red of Saim-Hann. That they matched the jetbike playstyle didn't hurt either, of course. Autarch Skyrunner - Done Farseer Skyrunner - Done Windriders - Done Vyper - Done Dire Avengers - Done Wave Serpent - Done Fire Prism - Done War Walker - Done Crimson Hunter - Done Spiritseer - Done Wraithguard - Done Wraithlord - Done Wraithknight - Done Blood Angels - 5th Company 'Daemonbanes' I wanted to do a Space Marine army for a while, as the Grey Knight model range is (still) very limited, and I kept seeing one new Astartes release after another that I couldn't include in my army. While I originally intended to do a custom chapter, I already had a Space Hulk set and a Deathstorm box for my Tyranids, so I figured I might as well just do Blood Angels as I already liked their background and already had those models anyway. So in 2015 I began working on the Sons of Sanguinius. Since the previous armies were relatively clean looking, I went for a more grimmer, weathered look for these. I picked the 5th company as the main focus, simply because I liked the black blood drop of that company's insignia best to match the darker look I was going for, plus it seems thematic to ally with my Grey Knights considering they're called the Daemonbanes. Sanguinary Priest - Done Commander Dante - Done Sanguinary Guard - Done Assault Squad - Done Bike Squad - Done Librarian - Done Librarian Dreadnought - Done Furioso Dreadnought - Done Deredeo Dreadnought - Done Death Company Dreadnought - Done Lemartes - Done Death Company - Done Baal Predator - Done Relic Sicaran Battle Tank - Done Drop Pod - Done Sniper Scout Squad - Done Close Combat Scout Squad - Done Captain - Done Suppressor Squad - WIP 1, Done Thunderhawk Gunship - WIP 1, WIP 2 Adeptus Mechanicus & Imperial Knights - Forgeworld Xana II & House Malinax Always been a fan of the AdMech, and generally I go for the tech-priest character in any of the 40k RPGs I've done over the years. After snagging two cheap knights from a Renagade box and getting some Skitarii from the Kill Team starter set, I finally started with the cogboys in 2018. As I already had two red armies and didn't want a third, and I loved the colour scheme of House Malinax from FW, I decided to go with this colour scheme for the AdMech units as well. I know that lorewise they're hereteks/traitors to the Imperium, but I don't intend to go all chaosy/dark mechanicum on them. Skitarii Vanguard - WIP 1 Skitarii Rangers - WIP 1 Sicarian Infiltrators - WIP 1 Armiger Warglaive - WIP 1 Knight Warden - WIP 1 Scenery, Terrain & Gaming Room I'm lucky enough to have a spare bedroom (and a wife that lets me use it) as a dedicated hobby room, and have my own gaming table. I love building scenery, even though it takes me ages to complete any projects because of the amount of work required for the bigger projects. Gaming Table - Done Realm of Battle - Done Fortress of Redemption - Done Skyshield Landing Pad - Done Woods - Done Blastscape - Done Aquila - Done Imperial Sector Buildings - WIP 1 FW Industrial Sector - WIP 1, WIP 2 3D Printing Always wanted to get into 3D printing, but wanted to wait for a printer that could print high quality prints without having thick layer lines, had a large enough volume to tackle larger projects but was still affordable enough. This turned out to be the Phrozen Transform. 3D Printer - 1
  6. Good Evening All, I ask forgiveness in advance as I'm sure you get these posts all the time! I'm returning to 40K after what is probably a ten, maybe fifteen year break. I've tried to pick-up the hobby a couple of times over those years and I've even dabbled in a few other systems, albeit only briefly. The whole eighth edition hype, major rule changes and Games Workshops attitude change has got me really interested in picking this up again! I figured I'd go right out my comfort zone and pick an army that wouldn't necessarily be my first choice; Tyranids. So where do I start with these guys? I've got a scheme I'm going to be working on using a very limited palette and basic airbrushing techniques - to ease me into the painting aspect. Obviously I'm going to purchase the rulebook + index but what about models? What would you suggest as starting army? I was thinking somewhere around the 500 points region as a starting point for a force and expand from there in 500 point increments...
  7. As another week ends, so does your wait for a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report! https://youtu.be/wovBUHu1G7E This week my Dark Angels take on the Tyranids! The planet had been overrun by the ravening hordes of xenos. The Tyranids had slaughtered the Imperial defenders and anyone who was still alive had evacuated the planet. It was a lost cause and the Imperial Navy was preparing to Exterminatus the planet to try and deny the Hive Fleet the biomass. But an urgent request was made. There was dataslate on the planet that might well contain the key to stopping the Hive Fleet and preventing any more planets facing a similar fate to this one. A force of Dark Angels, in the sector to provide their strength in fighting off the Tyranids, was assembled and tasked with one job. Retrieve that dataslate at all costs. Will the Unforgiven be able to retrieve the data to help stop the Hive Fleet, or will the Hive Mind prove too overwhelming for them to handle? Watch and find out!
  8. Greetings All, So after looking through the posts here I haven't come across a Tyranids Tactica post and thought I'd start one. I've never played them and to be honest was never interested in them in 40k, but after building my GSC team I've looked into a KT of Tyranids now. So I've built to see what others think, so believe it looks good and if it is I'll just hunt down the minis to build it. So critic away Cheers ++ Kill Team List (Tyranids) [100pts] ++ + Configuration + List Configuration: Matched Play: Kill Team + Leader + Tyranid Warrior [23pts]: Adrenal Glands, Deathspitter, Leader, Scything Talons + Specialists + Hormagaunt [5pts]: Adrenal Glands, Scout Lictor [25pts]: Comms Tyranid Warrior Gunner [24pts]: Heavy, Scything Talons, Venom Cannon + Non-specialists + Hormagaunt [6pts]: Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs Hormagaunt [6pts]: Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs Termagant [7pts]: Devourer Termagant [4pts]: Fleshborer ++ Total: [100pts] ++
  9. Coming back from a bit of a hobby break and going to make a filthy filthy but deadly, Xenos army for 10th, while dipping in and out on my Black Templars. But need a break from power armour, at least for a bit, blasphemy I know :P I had collected Tyranids many many years ago but fizzled out and lost interest, hopefully this time that won't happen. Starting big, seen this kitbash around the internet here and there and instantly wanted to build one while I wait for 10th box to drop. Had to search high and low to find a Maleceptor/toxicrene kit. Done some work already, removed the straps, chaos symbol and filed and filled where the skull pop out through the skin/flesh. Some cleaning to do, but ready for the building to commence. Used the molded on armour plates on the side as chitin for now, if they don't fit in with the finished body will remove, A Dremel drill with a filing ball attachment came in really handy with this part of the process. Oops, looks like I forgot to get rid of some rivets.
  10. Xenith


    From the album: Tyranids

  11. A BUG'S LIFE A Monthly Tyranids Painting Challenge This week a new painting event launches in the Tyranids Section of the forum. The Challenge? Paint at least one TYRANIDS model per month - including Codex Tyranids, GSC and Forgeworld models. Taking part is simple: Pledge your models Paint your models Enjoy your army of bugs A lot of people have the odd Tyranid model lying around, usually from Battleboxes or Boxed Games, so if you want some motivation to paint them up, skitter on over to the Tyranids Section of the forum and join the Hive Fleet - The event and pledges, progress etc will be organised from there. What's more you'll get to add this cool badge to your signature: WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?
  12. ++Toxicrene++ We have a new unit of the week! This week it's old C'thulu tentacle face himself, the Toxicrene. What are you thoughts, and how best would you use these? To compliment a list, or to build a list around? Will the beta rules affect your list(s)? What size unit? Will you be running multiple units? What Hive Fleet Traits, Adaptative Physiologies and Stratagems do you prefer and how much does it depend on the above choices? Are you buffing this unit? If so, how? Uses in Matched, Narrative and Open Play Over to you.
  13. ++Deathleaper++ We have a new unit of the week! This week it's the hard to find, chameleonic Predator Clone the Deathleaper! Theoretically a super-lictor, Deathleaper was introduced around the Medusa V campaign in ~2005(?), however is rarely seen on tables. What are you thoughts, and how best would you use it? To compliment a list, or to build a list around? Will the beta rules affect your list(s)? What size unit? Will you be running multiple units? What Hive Fleet Traits, Adaptative Physiologies and Stratagems do you prefer and how much does it depend on the above choices? Are you buffing this unit? If so, how? Uses in Matched, Narrative and Open Play Over to you.
  14. ++Hive Crone++ We have a new unit of the week! This week it's one of the newer additions to the army, though alomost a decade old, the Hive Crone. What are you thoughts, and how best would you use these? To compliment a list, or to build a list around? Will the beta rules affect your list(s)? What size unit? Will you be running multiple units? What Hive Fleet Traits, Adaptative Physiologies and Stratagems do you prefer and how much does it depend on the above choices? Are you buffing this unit? If so, how? Uses in Matched, Narrative and Open Play Over to you.
  15. ++Ripper Swarms++ We have a new unit of the week! This week it's some of the deadliest killers in the galaxy, the wonderful, the inexorable ripper swarms. What are you thoughts, and how best would you use these? To compliment a list, or to build a list around? Will the beta rules affect your list(s)? What size unit? Will you be running multiple units? What Hive Fleet Traits, Adaptative Physiologies and Stratagems do you prefer and how much does it depend on the above choices? Are you buffing this unit? If so, how? Uses in Matched, Narrative and Open Play Over to you.
  16. ++Barbed Hierodule++ We have a new unit of the week! Having already discussed all units in the standard codex, we're moving on to Forge World datasheets. This week it's the massive gun-beast the Barbed Hierodule. What are you thoughts, and how best would you use it? To compliment a list, or to build a list around? Will the beta rules affect your list(s)? What size unit? Will you be running multiple units? What Hive Fleet Traits, Adaptative Physiologies and Stratagems do you prefer and how much does it depend on the above choices? Are you buffing this unit? If so, how? Uses in Matched, Narrative and Open Play Over to you. Tyranids Unit of the Week Index
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