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About this blog

Hello there everyone,


McDougall Designs is an online miniatures retailer and 3D printing service.


I offer miniatures from a variety of manufacturers including Wargames Atlantic, Mantic Games, and warlord games. I also work with smaller producers, like Scouts Out (a WW1 skirmish game) to bring their products to retail. Finally, I work with a local textiles artisan to offer her coasters, rugs and placemats online. (The coasters have been excellent for my hobby desk.)


Mcdougalldesigns3d.com  is the link to my shop. Currently you get an extra 5% off at checkout as I am out of the office, and will ship products upon my return.

Entries in this blog

Medical emergency, delays in shipments.

Greetings,   Unfortunately, my work trip has taken a turn. I am now dealing with a family medical emergency in a foreign country and it looks like my return date may not be the 22nd of June. Obviously my focus is on my family member's health crisis at this time. All inquiries, and indeed all order shipments will be replied to as I am available, until my eventual return to the office and full availability. If you have an outstanding order and would like to cancel at this time,
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