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A blog about building my Marines from the Leviathan box for my Celebrants Chapter army.

Entries in this blog

Leviathan Librarian into...

So, I know I said my next blog post would be looking at my plans for my Canis Rex counts-as…   …but, I was looking at the sprue for the Terminator Librarian and trying to think how I was going to modify it to make it my own (I just don't like leaving stuff without any kind of conversion!) Anyway, sudden inspiration struck! This model:     …is an old favourite of mine. It's a bit dated in terms of scale and proportions, but the character of it is just so cool. So, I


Lysimachus in WIP

A little more fun with numbers - Vulkan He'stan

I've been looking again at the Firestorm list in the previous entry, and I can't quite decide whether to stick with my Captain, or use the same 100 points and count him as Vulkan? (The mini is armed with a sword, shield and holstered pistol, but I can easily say he's also hiding a Pyreblaster under his cloak to count as the Gauntlet!)   Captain 80pts Heavy Bolt Pistol, MC Power Sword, Relic Shield +Enhancement: Adamantine Mantle 20pts -Or- Vulkan He'stan 100pts   Join


Lysimachus in WIP

An update! Infernus and Ancient

So, I haven't done a lot more build work recently (have been painting the TDA squad!) but did a little bit to finish the Infernus squad and also put together the Ancient I got!     Mostly stock, but did include a few head/shoulder swaps for older gear and some extra studs. Also gave the Sgt a TH I had (obviously not a legal loadout currently, but as Infernus don't have any options it shouldn't cause any problems, just looks cool!)   Ancient:    


Lysimachus in WIP


Had a bit more time to work on building my squads over the last few days, decided to get the Sternguard put together!   No major changes with these guys, added some studs, swapped a few heads around, and used a couple of the old Sternguard heads (which are some of the best going, imho)         And also put the Lieutenant together. I really like the idea of him being a lone covert operative, but I think making him Nid specific was a mistake, both in the min


Lysimachus in WIP

1st Entry: Terminators!

Hello Fraters,   I was going to start a thread in the WIP Forum, but this seemed like a good opportunity to try out the Blog feature. I've not done this before so we'll see how it goes!   So, I've got the Leviathan box Space Marines, which will be painted as Celebrants Chapter. (I've got a Hall of Honour thread here for already finished units) I want to try to convert and add bits to make all of the units a bit different from the stock minis, so expect plenty of kitbashes, gr


Lysimachus in WIP

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