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About this blog

A blog in which I record the development and progress of my new Space Marine army - background & lore, painting and hobby, and maybe even some battle reports. 

Entries in this blog

Which Company for my Bladeguard - help me choose!

Call to Arms has started, and I'm going to paint a squad of Aggressors for it  But at the same time, I'm painting three Bladeguard Veterans; I'll chip away at these in the background, aiming to have them done by the end of the year.      In the meantime, I'm mulling over which Company these Veterans are going to be from  They're intended to go with the Boarding Patrol I've already completed, which is from the 4th Company. I had originally intended that these would be from th

Panel lining and Red helms

So after the base coat of Dawnstone, I gave these Marines a wash - a mix I made that is 4 parts Lahmian Medium, 1 part Nuln Oil and 1 part Agrax Earthshade (the older, pre-2022 versions of those shades). Here they are after applying this custom shade:     Now I begin the slightly fiddly and time consuming process of panel lining with Nuln Oil:     Finally, I wrote about them having red helmets in my previous entry - here are the results of some tests: fi

The start of a new army project

"The enemies of the Emperor - our enemies - believe us weakened; they believe they can attack His worlds, bringing fire and tumult, till all that remains is the ashes and blood of our defeat. No. When they come, they will find that we stand, that we defy them, and that the ashes and blood which remain is the sign of their defeat." - Chapter Master Noumen Arkos, Ashen Sentinels, prior to the victory at Genovian III   Greetings Frater  I'm starting a new army, one that has (beli
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