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About this blog

A blog in which I record the development and progress of my new Space Marine army - background & lore, painting and hobby, and maybe even some battle reports. 

Entries in this blog

The Crusade (and Narrative) Continues...

The 40k Campaign I'm running is now at its half way point, and the first part is concluded. This part of the campaign was focused on the Orbital Array that is a lynch pin of the Forge World where the campaign is set.    My Marines haven't done great to be honest - winning only one out of seven games  - but there's been some exciting narrative developments along the way, such as Necrons opening a wormhole to siphon Tyranids from the Octarius Sector directly on to the Array!   

The Crusade begins

Yesterday I played my first games with the Ashen Sentinels, one of which was the first game of the 'Forge of Silence' 40k Campaign at my local gaming group, and the first using the Crusade rules. I was up against a Tyranid army that had some big beasty bugs..!    My 1,000 point army looked a little meagre against that - here's the thin grey line    We were playing Linchpin with Hammer and Anvil deployment, plus tactical secondaries, and I chose to be defender and r

Ashen Sentinels - campaigning on Rostokhar III

Next month sees the culmination of about a year's worth of planning and preparation, as well as a few more months working on the Ashen Sentinels: at my local gaming group, we're starting a narrative-driven 40k Campaign - 'The Forge of Silence'!      Along with friends, I've been putting together the source book that details the background story and how the campaign will work. I previously shared some of the photography a member of our group did - I was able to include quite


firestorm40k in Gaming and Campaigns

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