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About this blog

Starting this blog to keep track of what I'm working on, as well as possibly writing down thoughts on what I've shown so I don't forget later! 

Mainly focusing on my custom chapter "Imperial Reivers", as well as whatever else I'm currently working on. 

Entries in this blog

Salamander Statue back on the WIP pile

Quick update.    After about 14 years, I'm getting my Salamander back on the WIP desk to start clearing my more important backlog of figures. He's been at the same stage since about 2010/11 (there's a theme here), so I'm getting him finished. Originally I was just going to paint him with just a basic style, but since changed to more reflective/NMM style that's more interesting.    Starting with the right leg and knee, it's already looking a bit more interesting!   

Imperial Reivers Captain arrives for battle

After testing out various schemes to get the colour I want, and proposing all my cloth/cloaks etc to be Tartan, here is my Terminator Captain incorporating all the elements I have been toying with.   The Armour recipe I'm going with: Base of Naggaroth Night (or Leviathan purple contrast) Layer up with Asurmen Blue then Teclis Blue. Highlights with Teclis Blue and Moot green   The Tartan is based on the Kilt I have which I can't remember the name of... Something

Imperial Reivers colour scheme update.

Chapter Scheme update!  Updated the paint scheme of my first born marines with a side by side comparison of the old (right) and new (left), to match my Priamaris marine colour schme. It was also a good test scheme in which to practice how I'm going to proceed with the scheme so I can actually get past the base coat stage of them.       


Domhnall in Imperial Reivers

Skullz Bolt Pistol repainted

A quick update as I've not been able to hobby as much as I would like recently (and when I have it's not 40k related). I've been painting up a model for Darren Latham's glow up challenge, so I've repainted a Black Reach marine (I'll post an update after the 6th). While setting that up, I found this bolt pistol keyring from the Skullz promotion from back in the year 2000, and though that would be a good one to do as well.  Stripped what paint was left on it (I had painted it and used it as a


Domhnall in Finished Models

Abaddon is finished!

It's been 23 years, but I have finally finished painting Abaddon! <yeah! woo! alright!>    I need to fiddle with getting the chain attached to the skulls (holes too small for chain end to fit, so need to fiddle with it), but other than that it is done, and I'm happy with it.  Quick photo taken, but will need to sort out some decent photos soon for a proper post on the forum! Enjoy  

Abaddon update and guilliman started

Time to get back to the big chap!  Finishing off the various skulls on his trophy rack and the couple hanging from his waist (not pictured), but mainly finishing off his right pauldron with the massive eye! All that's left to do is: 1. finish off a his various 'metal' skulls such as on the talons and left pauldron 2. finish the helmet and decomposing head to complete the trophy rack 3. Paint his topknot and reattach to head 4. Paint and reattach the ammo feeder to the


Domhnall in Work In Progress

Uriel Ventris, Captain of the Ultramarines 4th Company

Here is my recently finished figure of Uriel Ventris that I painted because it was March (for Maccragge!). All painted within one month, which is good for me.  Painted pretty much following the GW app colours, so nothing really special there. I decided on making the floor shiny, so attempted a bit of 'relection' of the blue armour on it, which works well enough for what I wanted (Golden Daemon winners need not worry!). The Power sword has some zappy sparks running up it, with a vague attempt m


Domhnall in Finished Models

First post, Imperial Reivers colour scheme

First post trying out some Colour schemes for my chapter, looking for a deep purple with a chameleon paint feel to it. I feel the blue highlights are a bit too "bright" so maybe try a more greenish shade.  As a note the Reiver models are in no way related to the chapter title, this chapter started way back in the late 90's, and the updated colour scheme is for the Primaris marines. The first born are just Liche Purple without fancy pants scheme and will stay that way.   


Domhnall in Imperial Reivers

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