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About this blog

Starting this blog to keep track of what I'm working on, as well as possibly writing down thoughts on what I've shown so I don't forget later! 

Mainly focusing on my custom chapter "Imperial Reivers", as well as whatever else I'm currently working on. 

Entries in this blog

Imperial Reivers colour scheme update.

Chapter Scheme update!  Updated the paint scheme of my first born marines with a side by side comparison of the old (right) and new (left), to match my Priamaris marine colour schme. It was also a good test scheme in which to practice how I'm going to proceed with the scheme so I can actually get past the base coat stage of them.       

First post, Imperial Reivers colour scheme

First post trying out some Colour schemes for my chapter, looking for a deep purple with a chameleon paint feel to it. I feel the blue highlights are a bit too "bright" so maybe try a more greenish shade.  As a note the Reiver models are in no way related to the chapter title, this chapter started way back in the late 90's, and the updated colour scheme is for the Primaris marines. The first born are just Liche Purple without fancy pants scheme and will stay that way.   
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