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About this blog

Starting this blog to keep track of what I'm working on, as well as possibly writing down thoughts on what I've shown so I don't forget later! 

Mainly focusing on my custom chapter "Imperial Reivers", as well as whatever else I'm currently working on. 

Entries in this blog

Skullz Bolt Pistol repainted

A quick update as I've not been able to hobby as much as I would like recently (and when I have it's not 40k related). I've been painting up a model for Darren Latham's glow up challenge, so I've repainted a Black Reach marine (I'll post an update after the 6th). While setting that up, I found this bolt pistol keyring from the Skullz promotion from back in the year 2000, and though that would be a good one to do as well.  Stripped what paint was left on it (I had painted it and used it as a


Domhnall in Finished Models

Abaddon is finished!

It's been 23 years, but I have finally finished painting Abaddon! <yeah! woo! alright!>    I need to fiddle with getting the chain attached to the skulls (holes too small for chain end to fit, so need to fiddle with it), but other than that it is done, and I'm happy with it.  Quick photo taken, but will need to sort out some decent photos soon for a proper post on the forum! Enjoy  

Uriel Ventris, Captain of the Ultramarines 4th Company

Here is my recently finished figure of Uriel Ventris that I painted because it was March (for Maccragge!). All painted within one month, which is good for me.  Painted pretty much following the GW app colours, so nothing really special there. I decided on making the floor shiny, so attempted a bit of 'relection' of the blue armour on it, which works well enough for what I wanted (Golden Daemon winners need not worry!). The Power sword has some zappy sparks running up it, with a vague attempt m


Domhnall in Finished Models

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