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I do Guard, SM (my Ultima Founding SW successors, the Greymanes), and soon, Sisters (classic-style OOML). 

Entries in this blog

Retainers of Russ: Dreadnoughts of the Greymanes Chapter

The proper name for the Dreadnoughts of the Greymanes is the Y-Gwasu o Blaidd-Tywysog (a phrase derived from the language families of the southerly Deep Valley). This phrase is rarely used around outsiders, for fear of its mythological and legendary references being inexplicable. The closest Low Gothic translation, however, denotes the high esteem the Greymanes hold their Dreadnoughts in. Indeed, it roughly means 'the retainers of the Wolf Prince', which speaks to the belief of the deified Russ

Some Notes on Greymanes Tactics and Organization

General Tactics Though each Fyrd has its own preferred ways of war, the Greymanes hew generally to two tactical philosophies. The first is deemed the Fragarach (literally 'Unswerving Sword'), wherein Greymanes forces will attempt to rout the enemy force through simultaneous, violent attacks on command and control elements, or failing that, the largest concentration of troops. On the defensive, however, they dig their heels in, seeking to attrite their foes through the inborn toughness of
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