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I do Guard, SM (my Ultima Founding SW successors, the Greymanes), and soon, Sisters (classic-style OOML). 

Entries in this blog

"What In The Underverse is a Wulfen?" (A Survey) - Part 2

Type 2 - The Wulfenkind  The second, though hardly less redolent type of Wulfen, is the 'lost comrade'. This type is not strictly perceived as balefully as the first type of Wulfen, though their 'wyrd' is a complex one in the Space Wolves' eyes. A common element between the second and first type are the aspects of loss and bodily transformation. The 13th Great Company are the Wulfen-Kind, and were lost to the Chapter 'whilst pursuing the Thousand Sons', their old enemies. Since then,


SvenIronhand in Essays

"What In The Underverse is A Wulfen?" (A Survey) - Introduction and Part 1 of 5

Introduction: The Wulfen, a (basic) Sketch The Wulfen Curse is perhaps one of the most controversial and perhaps, little-understood elements of paratext for the Space Wolves range of miniatures and models. [1]  These are, broadly, feral wolf-transhuman hybrids who fight in a berserk fashion. However, their development and change as a literary concept is less discussed in discourses of their validity or lack thereof amongst the broader context of the Space Wolves and the 40k lore as a whole.


SvenIronhand in Essays

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