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About this blog

My hobby plans, projects, and procrastinations; and maybe some musings on the hobby.

Entries in this blog

The Mystery Begins

Fragment of a document reportedly recovered from the space hulk designated Herald of Misery in M38 by the rogue trader Ibram Subicere: Accompanied by a demi-squad of the Inceptors Chapter, Captain Subicere and his crew aboard the Torchbearer were exploring the Anguis Cluster near the Maelstrom. There they discovered the Herald of Misery. Auspex readings indicated that the vessel was comprised of several major vessels and a number of smaller ones, including a few Imperial vessels and pre-


Ioldanach in Accusers

The Accusers Chapter

The second DIY Chapter I created at the B&C was the Accusers. Actually, that might be an accurate way of describing it. The Accusers may have existed. Or maybe they didn't.   My goal with this chapter was to explore some of the preconceptions of the community. At one point, the size of the 2nd Founding was set in stone, as defined by the Apocrypha of Skaros. Though many hobbyists tried to shoehorn their DIY chapter into that founding, conventional wisdom was generally to avoid the


Ioldanach in Accusers

Honor Shield of Brule Onathemes (the Spear-Slayer)

The Avenging Lions chapter sends battle-brothers to the Legio [Bolter & Chainsword]. One of the battle-brothers that has been seconded to the Legio over the millennia of the chapter's existence was Brule Onathemes, known as the Spear-Slayer.   Brule Onathemes Pict capture in 709.M39 upon secondment to the Legio Bolter & Chainsword   Formerly a battle-brother of the 3rd Tactical Squad, 5th Company, Brule was awarded the Imperial Laurel for his valor during th


Ioldanach in Avenging Lions

The Avenging Lions Chapter

The first DIY chapter I ever created here at the B&C, and still my favorite, is the Avenging Lions. This chapter was inspired by several things: There aren't enough chapters that use brown as their main color. No one has any right to tell anyone else that they can't create a successor chapter of the Black Templars. No one has any right to tell anyone else that they must use the Index Astartes article format. I suppose I was being a bit contrarian in creating this chap


Ioldanach in Avenging Lions

An introduction (of sorts)

I'm not nearly as active either in the hobby or here on the Bolter and Chainsword as I would like to be, or even as much as I used to be. Such is life. However, I have plans to increase my hobby activity. We'll see if Fate wills those plans to be...   If you're wondering about the image I chose for this blog post, those are the minis that got me into the game - the Space Elves. They became the Eldar, and are now the Aeldari. While I love the craftworlders, I have always loved the merce


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