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My hobby plans, projects, and procrastinations; and maybe some musings on the hobby.

Entries in this blog

The Rest of the Story (sort of...)

I suppose it's time to tell you as much of the rest of the story as I can. While I had originally intended to present a story in which you never quite knew whether or not the Accusers existed, I mucked that up in telling the Homecoming story. It was such a compelling vignette, though, that I couldn't resist telling it and spoiling the secret.   Yes, the Accusers existed. They were created in the 2nd Founding and were one of the Primogenitors. While many of the members of the chapter ma


Ioldanach in Accusers

The Throne Knights

GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Dark Angels (Angels of Vengeance)FOUNDING: unknownCHAPTER MASTER: Pyrrhus BrasidorCHAPTER WORLD: UrkonaFORTRESS MONASTERY: The HoldMAIN COLORS: crimson, bone, silverSPECIALITY: noneBATTLE CRY: “For the Emperor!”CURRENT STRENGTH: none (see “Present Activities” below)KNOWN DESCENDANTS: noneORIGINSThe earliest recorded actions of the Throne Knights Chapter date back to M34, in the years following the Howling. Created from the gene-stock of the Angels of Vengeance Chapter, t

The Brotherhood of Angels

Back in 2014, @Grand Master Belial ran the Brotherhood of Angels challenge. This was one in a series of similar annual challenges in which he challenged members to present articles showcasing their DIY Unforgiven chapters. After considering the challenge and developing my basic concept, I committed to the challenge with the following oath:   (You can click on that to see it in full size)   If I recall correctly, the "Throne Knights" name came from an earlier discussion,

Index Astartes: Inferno Wardens

To: ++ Inquisition Clearance Insufficient ++   From: ++ Inquisition Clearance Insufficient ++   Date: 029.M36   Subject: Adeptus Astartes, Inferno Wardens Chapter   Thought for the day: Pray for the future to vindicate your actions.   Honoured Lord, I have concluded my researches into the Inferno Wardens chapter of the Adeptus Astartes as you ordered. As you know, the records of the chapter are scant and appear to be heavily guarded. It has taken

The Inferno Wardens Chapter

My third foray into DIY chapter creation was the Inferno Wardens chapter. This grew out of a long-simmering concept about creating a chapter based on the Space Wolves rules, and it was impelled by @Greyall's challenge to members to present a character from their DIY chapter, with the winning entry being awarded a drawing (Greyall was/is an artist with a distinctive style). That challenge was posed 13 years ago today and can be seen here.   What follows is a summary of the development p

Echoes in the Warp

Echoes in the Warp   +++ INCOMING MESSAGE +++ +++ DECRYPT CYPHERS ORDER ACCEPTED +++ +++ PRIORITY ALPHA-1 +++   TRANSMITTED:  Macragge RECEIVED:  Wrath of Ventanus, Magog Cluster DATE:  6405707.M38 TELEPATHIC DUCT:  Librarium-terminus Marcelius SUBJECT:  Request for forces THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  The drums of war call out to you   Rogue Trader vessel Torchbearer, Captain Subicere commanding, to explore space hulk designated Hera


Ioldanach in Accusers


Homecoming   Astinax knelt before the Primarch, head bowed in veneration. None would ever mistake him for a handsome man, and it is doubtful that he would have been handsome had his body been allowed to develop naturally instead of being subjected to the process by which the Legiones Astartes were made. His one remaining eye was closed, the other having long since been replaced by an augmetic eye after being lost to the blade of a traitor of the VIIIth Legion in the Battle of Tsagualsa


Ioldanach in Accusers

False Interpretation of the Namis Arkaid

False Interpretation of the Namis Arkaid   Among the items recovered from the fortress of Inquisitor Lerneaus was a sheet with a few brief notes on it. The scrap of paper was entrusted into the care of Inquisitor Lord Naukara, who transferred it to the Order of the Sacred Oath on Holy Terra for evaluation. +++ Date: 2006791/M38 +++ Ref: OM/32099147/ED +++ By: Sister Sarojini, Order of the Sacred Oath, Convent Prioris, Holy Terra +++ To: Inquisitor Lord Naukara +++ Re: Inqu


Ioldanach in Accusers

The Hidden Meaning?

The Hidden Meaning? Milord, I conducted a study of the book as instructed. There were faint traces of the energy of the Empyrean upon the book, but these could very well have stemmed from the book having been aboard a space hulk and likely exposed to the Sea of Souls for some duration. Certainly there were no hidden writings or patterns that established any sort of link, no matter how small, with the Warp. However, I found the page in question most curious. While it shows what appears to


Ioldanach in Accusers


Forgery!   +++ Date: 4029709/M38 +++ Ref: Ast/38571391/INS +++ By: Sister Sarojini, Order of the Sacred Oath, Convent Prioris, Holy Terra +++ To: Inquisitor Lerneaus +++ Re: Anguis Codex +++ Thought: Trust no one else, and trust yourself less. Inquisitor, I have completed my initial evaluation of the codex you entrusted unto my care. The codex is not an abridged version of the Codex Astartes, as was initially thought. It is instead a form of insignium - a han


Ioldanach in Accusers

The Mystery Begins

Fragment of a document reportedly recovered from the space hulk designated Herald of Misery in M38 by the rogue trader Ibram Subicere: Accompanied by a demi-squad of the Inceptors Chapter, Captain Subicere and his crew aboard the Torchbearer were exploring the Anguis Cluster near the Maelstrom. There they discovered the Herald of Misery. Auspex readings indicated that the vessel was comprised of several major vessels and a number of smaller ones, including a few Imperial vessels and pre-


Ioldanach in Accusers

The Accusers Chapter

The second DIY Chapter I created at the B&C was the Accusers. Actually, that might be an accurate way of describing it. The Accusers may have existed. Or maybe they didn't.   My goal with this chapter was to explore some of the preconceptions of the community. At one point, the size of the 2nd Founding was set in stone, as defined by the Apocrypha of Skaros. Though many hobbyists tried to shoehorn their DIY chapter into that founding, conventional wisdom was generally to avoid the


Ioldanach in Accusers

Honor Shield of Brule Onathemes (the Spear-Slayer)

The Avenging Lions chapter sends battle-brothers to the Legio [Bolter & Chainsword]. One of the battle-brothers that has been seconded to the Legio over the millennia of the chapter's existence was Brule Onathemes, known as the Spear-Slayer.   Brule Onathemes Pict capture in 709.M39 upon secondment to the Legio Bolter & Chainsword   Formerly a battle-brother of the 3rd Tactical Squad, 5th Company, Brule was awarded the Imperial Laurel for his valor during th


Ioldanach in Avenging Lions

The Avenging Lions Chapter

The first DIY chapter I ever created here at the B&C, and still my favorite, is the Avenging Lions. This chapter was inspired by several things: There aren't enough chapters that use brown as their main color. No one has any right to tell anyone else that they can't create a successor chapter of the Black Templars. No one has any right to tell anyone else that they must use the Index Astartes article format. I suppose I was being a bit contrarian in creating this chap


Ioldanach in Avenging Lions

An introduction (of sorts)

I'm not nearly as active either in the hobby or here on the Bolter and Chainsword as I would like to be, or even as much as I used to be. Such is life. However, I have plans to increase my hobby activity. We'll see if Fate wills those plans to be...   If you're wondering about the image I chose for this blog post, those are the minis that got me into the game - the Space Elves. They became the Eldar, and are now the Aeldari. While I love the craftworlders, I have always loved the merce


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