The Avenging Lions chapter sends battle-brothers to the Legio [Bolter & Chainsword]. One of the battle-brothers that has been seconded to the Legio over the millennia of the chapter's existence was Brule Onathemes, known as the Spear-Slayer.
Brule Onathemes
Pict capture in 709.M39 upon secondment to the Legio Bolter & Chainsword
Formerly a battle-brother of the 3rd Tactical Squad, 5th Company, Brule was awarded the Imperial Laurel for his valor during th
The first DIY chapter I ever created here at the B&C, and still my favorite, is the Avenging Lions. This chapter was inspired by several things:
There aren't enough chapters that use brown as their main color.
No one has any right to tell anyone else that they can't create a successor chapter of the Black Templars.
No one has any right to tell anyone else that they must use the Index Astartes article format.
I suppose I was being a bit contrarian in creating this chap