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This hasn't started well....

So it's March and this is entry one on the blog....the plan is off to a rocky start. I largely blame this on having a baby - definitely eats into the hobby time!


The is the current WIP area of my desk:



No less than 5 armies represented in a small space. I'm a hobby magpie, and I'm not ashamed of it, but it can be an issue. 

The big impact of reduced hobby time, is that I find it easy to find time to build. Not for extensive conversions etc, but building is an easy thing that can be done in little chunks here and there. Painting....not so much. So my grey plastic horde grows. 


Sadly this means that my gaming time may need to pivot to painting time to catch up. It's only a few hours once a week, but if it helps make a dent it'll be worth it in the long run. With 10th seemingly on the horizon, I'm less attached to games with my newer armies.


First on the Hitlist will be this chonker:



All those points increases on the Votann means that I now have well over 2000 points and painting that many points is more achievable. So that's the painting focus.


On another note I dug these out of my parents roof:




Lovely bit of nostalgia! I do enjoy reading through these old rules and lore. Always fun stuff in there.


Recommended Comments



Whether it is a slow start or a fast start, starting is always good, especially if you feel happy building your stuff as you go through the backlog.
Since painting is time consuming and you have limited time, perhaps doing simpler schemes would make sense to ensure you can get a finished miniature in a short time, as it can usually prove useful in terms of motivation to achieve something. You can always expand the details later down the road.

Brother Nathan


from when we hav our first you come to realise it pays to efficiently use naptimes. that is if not using it to catch up on sleep... 

dont worry about magpie jumping i always found it helps changing models to stop you getting bored, specially on my angels where getting the base colours on too ages. finishing colours was great compared but getting there is demoralising. tbh i dont even have any but i always loved painting orks and cracked an army out faster than anything i wanted to keep. 

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