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Who am I? An introduction.

Here we go then.


I've been into this crazy hobby since the Second Edition release of Warhammer 40,000, so about 1993 when i started I think. That was my first starter set and I still have fond memories of 2nd edition. I was at high school at the time and my friends all enjoyed the hobby - they were the ones that got me into it, and my first actual purchase was White Dwarf 168 and a metal Space Marine Captain, followed a week later by the 2nd Edition 40K starter box and White Dwarf 166 which was still on the shelf in my local Games Workshop store. Back then we were all into Epic too, but I never ended up buying any Epic stuff in large amounts.


Fast forward to the present, and aside from a bit of break during my late teens/early twenties when i was serving in the military, my interest in 40K and the wider wargaming hobby never stopped. Nowadays I prefer the modelling and painting side of the hobby over gaming, but I do have the odd game - I'm actually excited for my first Horus Heresy 2.0 battle!

As well as 40K and Horus Heresy, I also love specialist games and play Underworlds, Kill Team, Necromunda, Blackstone Fortress, Adeptus Titanicus and now Aeronautica Imperialis. I also play Blood Bowl, its always a good laugh and even my wife seems to enjoy it - she likes Dreadfleet too! I'm looking forward to when my little boy is a bit older so he can start playing some games too - he's currently 7 and has started to show a little bit of interest now when I'm building minis.


Speaking of building, I'd say that's the part of the hobby I enjoy the most, but when it comes to painting, I seem to have developed some sort of painting mental block or fear of painting over the last 12 months so my pile of shame is even more ridiculous than usual, and the new heresy goodness hasn't helped. I'm working on it though - I'm determined to make 2022 the year of paint! 


Another facet to the hobby which I have started only recently is putting 'hobby' things on social media and making videos. I have a YouTube channel called Hobby Waffle. I do it as a hobby and while I really enjoy making videos, its something I have to fit around work and family life but I try and upload regularly. My son convinced me to do it as he thinks YouTube is cool, and said I should do it as I'm always 'waffling on about models and space men' - his words not mine! If you want to check it out my channel the link is in my forum signature and on my profile page, or you can click HERE


Outside of the hobby, I work full time and live with my wife and son, our 2 cats and a crazy Golden Retriever. Send help.


Thanks for reading!

Edited by Cyrox
spelling fix


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