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Xenos Threats Spotted....Grey Knights Engage



Well first game of 10th edition is in the books......While the Sons of Titan technically won the battle, the losses were so heavy a tactical withdrawl was needed. 


I played against my buddy's ork army Consisting of a Mek, Mega nobs, 6 Killer kans, Deff Dread, 3 deff kopters and 2 Flash gitz squads Vs my Librarian, 5 Terminators (psycannon), 5 strike marines (psycannon), 5 interceptors, 5 purgation (4 psilencers) and to 2 lasbacks. Game ended with 4 dead kans, and 3 deff kopters and I lost 3 terminators, interceptor squad, 2 strike marines and both razorbacks. Points wise I was able to take objects and score secondary's super quick so I had 40 VP to his 10 VP.


Playing with new app has jump started my need to build my Ravenguard for 10th, I have 2 lists planned 1k and 2k. 


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