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Leviathan Librarian into...

So, I know I said my next blog post would be looking at my plans for my Canis Rex counts-as…


…but, I was looking at the sprue for the Terminator Librarian and trying to think how I was going to modify it to make it my own (I just don't like leaving stuff without any kind of conversion!) Anyway, sudden inspiration struck! This model:




…is an old favourite of mine. It's a bit dated in terms of scale and proportions, but the character of it is just so cool. So, I figured what if I converted the Leviathan mini into a Terminator Inquisitor? Ruleswise, it's still a TDA Marine Librarian, but in terms of fluff and build it gives me a bit more freedom.


A few hours of bitz rummaging and greenstuffing later and voila:





Obviously, it's not intended to be a straight up copy of the original. Rather, it's just meant to reference some of the original's lovely features; the bionic leg, the null rod, etc. The head is taken from Sir Hektur (which I won't use on my Knight pilot) as it looked about right to me with the tash/goatee? I'm especially happy with the chest icon - I managed to drill out the skull, and the centre of one of the Grey Knight backpack toppers was trimmed down and slotted right into the gap!


Painting wise, I'm not sure about scheme yet… but maybe the light blue chosen by whoever painted the version of the original mini above might make for a nice contrast with my Celebrants?



Anyway, thanks for reading! C+C always welcome. Next time I'll look at the Knight, I promise! :tongue:


Edited by Lysimachus

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Brother Tyler


That's one of my all time favorite Rogue Trader era minis. I'll be watching to see how your conversion comes out.:thumbsup:

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