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On Port Rime



+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++INCOMING TRANSMISSION+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


//KOEPERNICK//Dreadfall Geopolitical Report #09928819-02936.023.024M42

Clearance Level: //SAPPHIRE//DF//GPA-MISC//




The Fall of Port Rime

[Ref. Last Known Pict-capt of shipboard cam, 2nd Lieutenant Matteusz "Moonracer" Volkyr, IXFW-22, Fury Squadron]


The Pilades Incident, as it is colloquially known here in The 'Fall was an action undertaken by the Rogue Trader Caleb Pilades, presumably while cutting deals in the underhive of the largest space station in the sector in 987M41.  It is now known that operatives of the House of the Dog had infiltrated the local cold trade syndicate Blackfire and brokered the sale of warp missiles, retrofitted onto the backs of looted Astra Militarum manticores in addition to ancient atomics.  It is still unclear where these weapons were acquired.


Pilades had come to blows with Blackfire over other matters. 


The resulting block war proved a worthwhile screen for House of the Dog operators within Blackfire to detonate the titan munitions they had just bought from themselves.  This was House of the Dog's first use of the warp as a weapon of mass destruction.  The rituals mentioned in the reference are acts of supreme heretical martyrdom at a massive scale, as a successful casting always induces a warp storm.  Ad mortem triggered pict-casts show no less than nine heretic sorcerers at each witnessed event.  [Ref. HUMINT REPORT: CU78-210-45//OH-XXLEVINBOLTXX-20230Z]

Strangely, in the case of coordinated operations, it would seem that the act of receiving the bomb is ritualized, meaning that both casters and victims of the blast are meant as sacrifices.

As the resulting breaches were exploited by heretic psyker elements to bring forth nightmares into the station's labyrinthine market complexes and hab spires, the detonation acted as a catalyst for the birth of the warp storm Glimmerheim, whose wretched genesis plunged the entire system into darkness.  The port and the surrounding star system has been consumed by the etheric winds of Glimmerheim ever since.  




Edited by Malphas


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