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The Iron Snakes

Snakes of Ithaka


It's been almost a year since I have posted anything on this blog and my 4th company project fizzled out as real life took hold for the majority of last year. So I decided that for 2024 I am determined to get back on the hobby horse as it where.


The intention is to set aside 2 nights a week to sit down and do some hobby and with this I have switched my focus from 40k to Kill Team as I think that getting several kill teams painted up is more manageable then a full 40k army. 


After re-reading brothers of the snake and the two Urdesh books, I was in the mood to go back to my Iron Snakes.


The current plan is to theme the kill teams around the enemies found in the Reef stars so to start with Orks, Dark Eldar and Chaos space marines while I plan to do the Iron Snakes as a more modelling project they will still be useable for Kill Team




Edited by Snakes of Ithaka

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