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APRIL - The Fall of the Eldar (via Royal Mail)



OK, let's start this month's entry with a quick recap. 


Jan - bought a tonne of models. Pile got bigger

Feb - sold a tonne of models. Pile got smaller

Mar - bought a tonne of models. Pile got bigger


Guess what happened in April?


Well dear reader you would be correct. I sold a tonne of models. In fact nearly my entire Eldar project (nobody wants a Wraithlord or wraith-plane-thing apparently) has made its way out through the postal system to new owners this month. Whilst it's never the best feeling to give up on a project, it can be rather cathartic to see it all go, knowing that you were never going to finish it. 


Also on the chopping this month were my Sisters of Battle. This is a decision I'd um'd and ah'd over for quite some time, but eventually I had to bite the bullet. I've had some of these models for close to a year now and I still couldn't picture a colour scheme that I felt would work on the models and that I would be happy to paint across the entire army. In the end, this was the deciding factor. If I'm not excited to paint something it's never going to get painted. I was sad to see a few of them go, especially Morvenn Vahl and a squad of Seraphim I'd built some scenic bases for (because dear God Emperor GW's flight stands are awful). The Adepta Sororitas line has some amazing sculpts that, in the right hands, look downright stunning on the tabletop. Hopefully they're now in those right hands and will make the Emperor proud.


"Ah" I hear you ask. "But did you actually paint anything Doobles?" 


YES! Some of it is even board appropriate as well!


Let's start with where we finished last month. Solar Auxilia. I knew the models were pretty. That's why I bought so many. Turns out they're also pretty good to build - especially the tanks. To kick things off though I started basic - a lasrifle section of 10 guys. They're going to be starting life out as an allied detachment to my Sons of Horus, so who better to paint them as than the Cthonian Headhunters. 



The colour scheme allowed me to try a few new techniques like chipping and coloured metallics which is always fun. And to use a few new colours which I'd been looking for a use for. The red is something I'm really proud of and it really pops in person. 


The oil wash is a little heavier in places than I'd have liked - some of the chipping detail has been lost in places which is a little frustrating - but the overall effect it gives is one I'm very keen on. In fact I'm finding myself using oil washes/filters more recently - the process is very enjoyable and oddly satisfying.




The paint scheme was largely taken from the Cult of Paint tutorial on YouTube. If you're looking at Solar Auxilia, I'd definitely recommend taking a look at that video as they've done a trio of lovely schemes.


Elsewhere, I finished off a couple more characters for my growing Ad Mech list.  Firstly a Manipulus:




Some great details on this chunky lad, including the floppy disk that took me way too long to notice.


Also painted everyone's favourite tall boi - the Skatros!



He will certainly snap in half en-route to his first game. It's a dumb model. Its rules aren't good. I love it.


Also painted some......feudal world Imperial Guard.......who have to use primitive weapons like bows..........





In summary, we are most definitely back on track with our pile of shame reductions. Solid painting volume (for me), minimal purchases and two whole projects sold off means that I end April very much in the green. Challenge now is to maintain this momentum. I don't have any more projects left of the size of the Eldar or Sisters to move on so we're truly to down to the battle of painting vs buying. Let's see if I can hold my nerve on that front.


Finally, let's run the numbers:


Models IN: 16


Models OUT: 110 (!)






That's more like it! Tune in next month to see if I've managed to break the cycle at last.



Edited by Doobles57


Recommended Comments

15 hours ago, terminator ultra said:

nice work! solar auliaxra look amazing!

Cheers! They're fantastic models. Just the right amount of detail to make them interesting to paint without becoming a chore. The rest of the first battle force box is now sat primed and ready to go. Looking forward to churning out more of them.

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