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Which Company for my Bladeguard - help me choose!

Call to Arms has started, and I'm going to paint a squad of Aggressors for it :smile: But at the same time, I'm painting three Bladeguard Veterans; I'll chip away at these in the background, aiming to have them done by the end of the year. 




In the meantime, I'm mulling over which Company these Veterans are going to be from :huh: They're intended to go with the Boarding Patrol I've already completed, which is from the 4th Company. I had originally intended that these would be from the 1st Company, so they'd have white/cream robes - but now I'm wondering if I should do them as like a 'bodyguard'/retinue for the Captain I've recently finished; in which case I'll give them green robes. 




So, what do you think, Fraters? Should these be... 


1st Company Veterans, with white/cream robes or... 


4th Company Veterans, bodyguard to Captain Ouranos, with green robes? :unsure:


Thanks for any input! :smile:


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Hmm. Always an important question. Mine are painted for the first company, mostly because my army is meant to be a joint 1st-3rd company battlegroup, so they're matched more to my terminators than my intercessors. If you're mostly going to be running 4th company, I think they would look fine in matching green, and using them as a bodyguard for the Captain is going to look better that way anyway. 


So yeah, I vote for 4th company Bladeguard.

Rusted Boltgun


Another vote for green!

For all the reasons stated above! If used as a retinue, the green will provide coherence and I reckon it will all look pretty stunning on the tabletop.

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