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How to pretend not to start a GSC army - Part 3



Hi folks,


After last post presentation of the HW squads, we left the story to a point where I was left with the Truck and 11 bodies to be kitbashed.


The Truck, as a proxy Taurox, does not require much work: weapon system is dual autocannon, as the genuine model, and removing the cult emblems and adding some Imperium symbols was not a big deal. The same with swapping the machine gun for a sanctionned stormbolter (after all these kit bashed are supposed to be SW auxillaries, in my very own piece of story telling)




But what to do with the 11 bodies?... Hum, after some chats here or there (most of these being sterile), I found myself in a situation where no-one was going to help or enlight me. I am concerned by the future of my IG force, as I anticipate that the current state of the Datasheet may be a transitional one: will units such as the all-comer command squad and vanilla troop squad remain a thing or not? Choosing a tool up becomes therefore a risky business as it may all change (or not, who knows) in the coming months.


In the end I decided to go as I felt and it led to configuring squads more under a feeling of what I like as an outlook rather than based on expectation of future rules or list optimization. You noted the plural? SquadS.

Indeed, how to make best use of 11 bodies?


I reserved one for an officer, proxy Castellan/Captain/Commander or alike.




But the other ones could have gone as a troop squad or as 2 command squads. I went to the second choice. Reason was simple; I am completing a set of Regimental advisors, and now that they must be fielded by 3 and in a COmmand squad, I beed one. and remaining with 5 bodies unused not being an option, they will be a segond squad.

And this is where my choices and decisions may become topic of controversy (but remember I always decide on what I feel cooler rather than on rules).


First squad was defined as a supporting one, with purpose to give orders far away - So Vox stuff, 2 sniper rifles and a grenade launcher. Should I had an infantery squad tooled as a DKoK later, this Command will join with(and get more sniper rifles or grenade launchers).






Last squad was tooled to grad and hold objectives - so Standard, Medic, and... I have these SN scouts Heavy bolter left, so an additional HW team may be worth, even if the CT of the AM is poor. But I like the idea more than its yield. Should I add in the future a troop squad, I will (if it remains i the rule) join with a vanilla Ig trooper squd, just for the satisfaction to add a second kit bashed heavy bolter.







Anyway, things are not engraved in marble, so any of these squads can be reshuffle and mixed in a different way.


Next installement of these Not GSC but AM will be in a, may be not so far, future, when I will enlist them into the CtA 2024 challenge. But these will be part of a second vow, so first let´s complete my fist one!




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