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53rd Army Group

I have bits of background for my Imperial Guard project scattered throughout my WIP thread in the barracks so I figured I should put it all in one place; so here goes: 


Army group numerical designation: 53

Officer Commanding: Lord General Matthias Fischer

Commissariat supervision: Lord Commissars Bane and Helgen.

Operational Strength: Less than 1%


Composite Units:

  • Cadian 1st Infantry Regiment "The Sentinels"
  • Cadian 223rd Artillery Regiment
  • Cadian 12th Armoured Regiment
  • Armageddon 119th Steel Legion 
  • Varosian 187th Reconnaissance Regiment "The Stalkers" (Composed of remaining elements of Varosian battlegroup 53-19)
  • Krieg 479th Siege Assault Regiment


The 53rd Army Group was originally formed in order to combat a rising Ork threat around the border of Segmentum Tempestus and Ultima Segmentum. Throughout the campaign heavy losses were sustained due to poor intelligence and the unwillingness of local officials to provide attaches with knowledge of the terrain. Despite this the greenskin menace was contained, however due to uprisings against the Imperium and a resupply delay the 53rd remained in its original AO during the Fall of Cadia.


Regimental fact file Cadian 1st Infantry Regiment:


Home-world: Cadia

Numerical designation: 1

Moniker: "The Sentinels"

Officer Commanding: Colonel James Reicher

Strength: Error, data unavailable presently

Regimental type: Line infantry 

Peculiarities: Dedicated veteran company. Dedicated Kasrkin company ("Na Fianna")


Regimental summary: 


The Cadian 1st regiment has been raised and annihilated countless of times as is common with most Imperial Guard regiments. It is notable for having taken part in the defence of Cadia in each of the Black Crusades, with the exception of the 13th. The regiment has in its possession the standards flown during each of those heroic actions. Other notable encounters include the destruction of Waaagh Blacktoof as part of the 53rd Army Group and the Liberation of Angelis (M.33).


The regimental commander, Colonel Reicher rose through the ranks from his original position as a junior officer. He is widely regarded as the one reason for the 1st regiment surviving the near total annihilation of the 53rd at the hands of aforementioned Waaagh. During this encounter he is creditied with killing the Warboss himself (albeit through the liberal application of the regiment's heavy weapons).   


Regimental fact file Cadian 12th Armoured Regiment: 


Home-World: Cadia.

Numerical Designation: 12.
Regimental Type: Armoured. 

Moniker: "The Steel Fist".

Officer Commanding: Colonel Jakob Stern.
Strength: Unknown. 
Peculiarities: Above average deployment of Macharius variant tanks. Administratum note: This is due to a Departmento Munitorum error which despatched the tanks to the front line instead of a reserve storehouse, now too late to rectify, the offending scribe has been removed. 

Regimental Summary:

The current Cadian 12th Armoured Regiment is unusual due to the fact that the previous holder of the designation had not yet been annihilated, leading to the same designation being used twice. This bureaucratic nightmare was graciously ended when the Iron Warriors attempted to break through the Cadian Gate, and the elder regiment was martyred in its defence. 

Acting as the mailed fist of the 53rd, the 12th is well practiced in mass armoured assaults; designed to utterly crush the enemy lines. During the fight against Waaagh Blacktoof the super-heavy companies of the regiment proved instrumental in tackling the gargants and squiggoths of the Orks. Indeed Warboss Blacktoof was nearly killed when the shadowsword "Iron Will" destroyed the squiggoth he was riding on.  


Regimental fact file Krieg 479th Siege Assault Regiment:


Home-World: Krieg. 

Numerical Designation: 479.

Regimental Type: Siege Assault. 

Moniker: "The Gravediggers".

Officer Commanding: Marshall Markus Veers. 

Strength: Unknown. 


Regimental Summary: 

Originally raised to bring the Emperor's justice to the heretics on Vraks, but due to the vagaries of the warp and internal supply issues, the Krieg 479th Siege Assault Regiment was ready for action much too late. Assigned to the 53rd army group as much needed siege specialists (both defensive and offensive), they Korpsmen have proved instrumental in winning several key victories. In one notable engagement, gorgon and crassus transports were used to approach heavily defended Tau tidewalls. When close enough, the transports lowered their ramps directly onto the xenos fortifications (or in some cases simply drove over them), disgorging their fanatical occupants into the midst of the enemy. 

While the Cadian 223rd operates mobile and long range artillery support for the 53rd, the 479th brings (in true Krieg tradition) closer ranged and crewed guns. Rarely are these split up and used to support other elements, they work most efficiently when their firepower can be concentrated on a single point; before a bayonet charge. 



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