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What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era? - Part 3



Hi Folks,


As a continuation of my previously home cooked Datasheet for HHE era units that I would see in the Era Indomitus setting, here comes 2 additional contributions.

  • The Abeyant
  • The Krios


in a previous instalment of this blog, I short listed these 2 as potential candidate for basically 2 reasons: existenc of illuestrations that may suppoirt the inclusion of the Abeyant and statement in the HH rules that the Krios bariants were seen as part of the Skitarium. 


The genesis between these 2 homebrew units has been less straight foward than for the other ones I shared previously. Let´s talk of the Abeyant first.

I initially tried to make it as a Dedicated Transport, restricted to Dominus and Calculus. But it did not work well, mainly because I tried to set the platform as a mundane system that I have not been able to balance for the 2 tastes of Magii. Managment of weapon optons was tricky for example. I gave up this way to focus on a more stadard one, saying that it is a barnd new flying model à la improved Dominus. 




The Krios was a more exciting experience as there is barely anything comparable. At least how I set it. My purpose has been here to get a tank able to bring on the table a sigle Titanic class weapon, but not too Titanic, let´s say Knight class instead. Quite understandable seen the feature with the Lightning cannon. The Krios venato has been more a matter of improvisation, trying not to copy paste the existing indirect fire weapon the AdMech has access too through the Dunerider chassis tank. Here is the result:






I set the units at costs that are eventually an incitation into thinking up twice before fielding them. Yet I am still thinking the Krios version of ine is slightly undercosted.

  • Mago on Abeyant: 120pts
  • Krios: 250 pts


Let´s tell me what you think.


See you soon.





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