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"Fighting soldiers from the sky! Fearless men and women, who jump and die!"



Was planning on painting Purifiers or my Paladins, but found myself working on my Militarum Tempestus, 909th Battalion Charlie Company "Hell Rain". 




I have been putting this off as my Tempestor was illegal and I would have to change out his Powerfist for a knife :down:. I built another squad of 5 guys, and have 10 more to build and ordered another 10 more guys. 





So as it stands I have planned a 5 man squad (plasma/ volley) attaching to Command (plasma/ Volley) going into Valkyrie (Rockets/ lascannon/ Hvy bolters). 2 10 man's (2 meltas/ 2 plasma & 2 plasma/  2 volley) going into Taurox primes (battlecannon/ autocannons) and a 5 man (melta/ plasma) to deepstrike. 


And of course waiting on Aquilons to get released




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