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Ynnari fun facts... and painted Yvraine



Hi folks,


As I had time to waste while some minis were drying, I spent some time reading fluff, something that I did not do for at least 10 years.


Just to give you a small idea, I left if long time before the opening of the great rift the Imperium Nihilus and the Primaris stuff. Whatever one can think about the “event” and the story moving further (I won´t enter in another controversy for something that is and will stay. Like it or no), one positive move as far as I am concerned is a kind of new door opened to gives depth to the Asuryanii.


They already gained depth and texture (indirectly) through the development of the Necrontyr. But the fracture of Biel Tan and the rise of the Ynnari was a good promise (“Sky full of stars”, paraphrasing Coldplay). I decided to dive into it while liquidating my Aeldarii pile of shames in CtA23 and still on-going.


So, it is time for some “fun facts” about Ynnari, while comparing story plots and rules.


  1. The rise of the Ynnari was facilitated by the intervention of Jain-Zar, leading other Phoenix Lords. Yet Phoenix Lords cannot join Ynnari forces. Although they sided/backed them in battle.
  2. Drazhar has been appointed to hunt down and kill Yvraine, yet you can enlist him into an Ynnari force
  3. There are key members/dramatis personae in the Ynnari band side (more or less directly involved in the chain of command), yet these are not always identified as such in the factions´ keywords: Jain-Zar and Eldrad (as mentioned already), the Triumvirat of Ynnari characters, Yriel the Corsair Prince and Lelith Esperax. I am missing some?
  4. Have you seen how Slaneeshi looks The (horned) Yncarne? And what if all the Ynnari stuff ends up being an inside job? Could Eldrad be lured? I am probably paranoid…
  5. The Gyrinx is theoretically a wonderful and powerful familiar for psykers, yet it does not do anything. Strictly nothing. Does it meow? I am not even sure of that.
  6. The Ynnari forces: there are as far as I counted 3 osts wandering around, one led by Yvraine, one led by her lover (the Visarch) and the last one led by Eldrad (the exiled). Yet only Yvraine´s led armies can be eligible to the Ynnari faction rule wise.


The last point is interesting and is known as the Yvraine tax. And if it is not known as such, this is at least how I do call it.


If I pretend fielding a legal Ynnari force, under the current state of the Index, I hav no choice than aligning Yvraine. SO, let´s do it and paint her.


And here comes the result:







I am still ot able to paint any face or eyes, so that part of the model is poor. but seen from afar, on tabletop and among other stuff, you do no notice. At least this is how I try to convince myself.


Pallet is very similer to the GW paintjob , athough colours may change a little bit. No purple and rather red for the robe for example.

The snow base is a little bit plain and bland. But on the other hand the size of the model does not really leave that much space to texture anything.  at least the pet brings eye catching contrast.


See you soon with more Asuryanii stuff - I have a bunch of models WIP, from very oldies to most recent releases...



Edited by Bouargh
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