Knives In the Shadows vow completion
Unit Name: The 4th Mootshire Elite Abhuman Line.
Planet of Origin: Mootshire, 11th planet in the Aver Expanse.
Commanding officer: Lt. Col Reginald Trik
Regimental appellations: “The Bluebonnets”, “Reginald’s Irregulars”.
Notable disciplinary records of 4th MEAL.
Fixer: Trik, Reginald - Lt. Colonel
M41.2346 – Regimental officers mess hall storage facilities on Tanit Rex are robbed ahead of highly anticipated planetary millennial Sanguinala celebrations during an Orkish invasion. Regimental Commisariat and Planetary Probators are unable to determine culprits. M41.2347 Col. Trik is charged with attempted bribery of a planetary official using cases of Amasec commemorating the millennial Sanguinala. Subsequent investigations yield no physical evidence and Col. Trik denies charges. Col. Trik reprimanded for Rapscallionary and unit is ordered to front-line duty as punishment. Administratum clerks never receive orders rotating 4th MEAL, resulting in prolonged rear echelon duties.
Raider: Longbelt, Talbit - Specialist
M41.2343 – Specialist Longbelt is arrested following a string of larcenies near 4th MEAL billeting areas while deployed in defense of Imperial Shrineworld Kalamath 2. Specialist Longbelt is arrested after numerous eye witnesses identify Longbelt in suspect lineup. 4th MEAL Billeting area is searched, and while none of the stolen items are recovered, numerous artifacts reportedly stolen from planetary ecclesiarchy shrines are found. Commissariat charges Trooper Longbelt with petty pilfering to avoid involving ecclesiarchy in investigation, planetary Relics are ordered “returned” in lieu of death sentence.
Bomber: Gonbelly, Jasper “lefty” – Specialist
M41.2349 – While deployed to Hive City Elicoth Primus to combat Mutant Cultist Activities Specialist Gonbelly is arrested following a series of devastating explosions within PDF barracks. Initially charged with treason and fratricide Trooper Gonbelly was spared the firing squad after investigations into the explosions revealed the vast majority of PDF troopers killed in the explosions were mutants. Cultist capabilities in the hive city dropped precipitously and the hive city was retaken in short order. Specialist Gonbelly refused to cooperate with any investigation and was released from custody following flogging for disrespecting senior officers.
Battlemutt: Petunia, N/A
No disciplinary records exist for regimental mascot dubbed “Petunia”.
Big Shot: Longchalk, Curlin – Gunner
M41.2352 4th MEAL was deployed to Coberus Decius (an Agriworld in the Aver Expanse) Specialist Longchalk was arrested after being apprehended during an attempted “rustling” of a small Grox herd onto an imperial troop lander. Longchalk was sentenced to 5 lashes per stolen grox, While awaiting the punishment to be carried out the Imperial holding facilities suffered a massive explosion and Specialist Longchalk was listed as KIA. No body was recovered from the blast, and according to Administratum records Specialist Longchalk has been deployed to all subsequent 4th MEAL conflict zones.
Hardbit: Manglepie, Aldebrand “Aldo” – Private
M41.2340 – Then Sergeant Manglepie is arrested at an NCO lounge on Ogydox IV following a massive brawl. Witnesses swear the fight is instigated by Sgt. Manglepie. Manglepie is demoted to corporal.
M41.2341 – Corporal Manglepie is arrested following a violent exchange between 4th Meal troopers and local PDF officers. Witnesses interviewed by commissariat attest Corporal Manglepie was provoked (PDF officers reportedly made numerous claims that the “mutants” of the Abhuman unit be executed. Corporal Manglepie’s violent reaction left 3 senior PDF officers hobbled with severed Achillies tendons and shattered kneecaps. Corporal Manglepie is demoted to specialist and restricted to barracks duty.
M41.2341 – 3 PDF officers are found murdered in the infirmary wing at PDF headquarters. Planetary Probators and Commisariate investigations identify murder victims as same officers assaulted by Manglepie. Manglepie provides material Alibi of himself on pict-feed sitting in PDF officers lounge during the time of the murders. With no other leads the investigation is eventually dropped. Specialist manglepie is demoted to private for breaking into PDF officers lounge and breaking restriction to barracks activity.
Sneak: Brandysnap, Taffy – Sergeant
M41.2347 –During the defense of Tanit Rex from Waghhh Goldtoof Sergeant Brandysnap is reported MIA after forward observation post is overrun and communication is lost. Sgt. Brandysnap returns to imperial positions as Waghhh Goldtoof begins its retreat following the death of Warboss Goldtoof. Sgt. Brandysnap claims responsibility for Goldtoof’s assassination, offering collection of Gold-plated ork teeth as proof. Sgt. Brandysnap is found guilty of possession of xeno-tech and dereliction of duty, however sentencing is unable to be completed as Sgt. Brandysnap is unable to be located by authorities prior to 4th MEAL being withdrawn from the planet.
Sniper: Shortbottom, Maywit – Private
M41.2351 – During a surprise inspection of forward positions on Charrius III Private Shortbottom is found to be intoxicated to the point of incoherence on ecumenical herbs by regimental officers and immediately sentenced to death. During the inspection the forward observation post came under attack by heretical forces. Private Shortbottom displayed exceptional bravery and martial prowess with over a dozen confirmed kills. Shortbottom’s inebriation is deemed “in line with unit standards” and his punishment is reduced to 2 weeks latrine cleansing for consuming intoxicants while on duty.
Spotter: Bayleaf, Ogy - Specialist
Specialist Bayleaf guilty of no fewer than 27 counts of Grand Larceny across 9 Imperial Planets. These thefts were discovered during Inquisitor Varicia von Orm’s investigation of Xeno’s activity in the region. No charges or accusations have yet to be leveled at Specialist Bayleaf per Inquisitor von Orm’s wishes. Individual has been marked for continued observation.
Stashmaster: Furrows, Hildemund “Hill” – Sergeant
Sgt. Furrows has been caught pilfering from mess halls and logistics depots. No charges have been official filed against the Sergeant, as he enjoys administrative protections from Col. Trik. Each reported instance of pilfering or theft has been ameliorated by “found” logistical orders approving the acquisition of the items in question.
Vox Thief: Muggins, Clovis – Specialist
M41.2349 – While serving in defense of Hive City Elicoth Primus, SPC Muggins is found to have broken sacred vox rituals and breached the vox networks of planetary PDF, Adeptus Arbities, and the planetary Governor. This discovery was made after SPC. Muggins began to broadcast the location of high-priority enemy target locations across the city on Arbities only channels. Subsequent trial resulted in a sentence of death, lowered to 3 months hard labor in light of services rendered to the defense of the hive city.
Supplemental Information Regarding Auxillary Ogryn forthcoming.
*Had a mixup with a double post last blogpost and "unpublished" the blog because I couldn't figure out how to delete it. Rather than have an unpublished blog in my queue I used this one...not realizing it would date it before my last post. Still learning how to navigate this blog occasionally.
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