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While building an army, one might find themselves having crossed a line, where the project begins materializing beyond the Kill-Team or individual squad level. Like models in their squads, the units begin to coalesce into a recognizable force. It's not something I can really visualize with grey plastic - the painting lends itself to the phenomenon. The small slips and errors made on specific models goes away, and the trees become the forest.



With my Tactical Squads and Devastator Squad complete, things are starting to come together for the Cardinal Guard's 5th Company. 1,000pts of 4th Edition Space Marines doesn't stretch very far; with 15 models complete, that leaves 6 more in power armor, a Dreadnought, and a Razorback. My opponent has been working away in the background on his Salamanders, and needs to tackle 7 Terminators (Commander, Librarian, and Command Squad) and 2 Dreadnoughts.




Hobby Progress




Looking at this quick snap of a Tactical Squad, he's leaning into 3rd Company's lore - these sons of Vulkan look like they've been through Hell. I'm excited to see what he does with the Terminators and Dreadnoughts.






Devastator Squad Donetal (and the rest of my army) look downright inspection-ready compared to the battered Salamanders.




At this point in time, with every model assembled, we could play some games. I'm juggling self-control and curiosity, playing with only painted models versus learning the rules and our army lists. Finding openings in our schedules and speed of painting will be the decisive factor.



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