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About This Club

Discussion, events, etc. for events and issues specific to the Africa continental area
  1. What's new in this club
  2. http://warhammergenerals.co.za/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=14250#p171471 :)
  3. http://warhammergenerals.co.za/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=14250#p171471
  4. I think most of the guys in Durbs know me.. Was feeling a bit nostalgic going thru these posts. From 4 people to... Well... A couple dozen and new players joining every week/month, it's been a trying ordeal, but war gaming is finally starting to grow here, despite GWs outrageous prices and the state of the Rand.
  5. Im from jhb and also on warhammer generals.
  6. Hello brothers I've been a member of the site for a few months. I've been collecting, painting and playing( very little) for almost two years. I don't know why it hasn't occurred to me to ask here if there's anyone who takes part in the hobby who lives in Botswana, because so far I haven't found anyone in the country who does. If you live in Botswana let me know please.
  7. Sup guys I live in Joburg myself, and theirs a gaming club by Galloulies I think, and at Northgate Corner shopping centre there's a general hobby shop that sells quite a bit of 40k ( mostly smurfs of course but have been expanding their selection) and then right opposite them is a gaming club. Hope I helped any potential gamers
  8. open your own store if there is non around have a 100 percent monopoly on this business.
  9. I don't understand question ____________________ Watch John Carter Online Free
  10. Ok we going to really need to get a lot (yes Darkcru I spelt it right) of people if we want to pull this off so please your help will be appreciated (ok don't know if I spelt that right). :geek: You guys should try get into contact with Nigel and Dante of the CT battlebunkers. We now have 4 Battlebunker hobby stores in CT and its growing fast. They are franchising the concept too, so - worthwhile having a chat. If you only have one store there, means tehres room for expansion.
  11. Ok we going to really need to get a lot (yes Darkcru I spelt it right) of people if we want to pull this off so please your help will be appreciated (ok don't know if I spelt that right). :geek:
  12. Right now..Gaming in Durban is buying out dated white dwarfs from CNA and trying to make do with normal clay(instead of the modelling type). Apparently there is only one official club down here as well... Sad... ;) So,my friends and I are putting together a club(Gamer-freak,another space marine player and a tau player..and myself of course) So...We have a club made up of four people,three are space marine players and a tau player.... We need to bring Warhammer to Durban with a shock! It doesn't help that our registered hobby shop only has some ancient bottles of citadel paints that look like they have turned to dust in the bottles... :lol: Yeah...that is gaming here in Durban... ;) Any Durbanites wanting to join the club,PM me :P
  13. Yup yup :huh: Almost all from way up in Jozi or down here in the Cape :D
  14. Is everyone here on the other side of South Africa. We really need to get more durban players, hey DarkCrusader. What do You think?
  15. Hey,I'm from Durbs and just wandering if anyone else wanna set up some games or if there's a club? ;)
  16. Hi there recently moved to joberg from george. i now frequent a club in randburg near northgate called Theunderground. loads of cool people and cluded up players. http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Underground/23798052432 for those who want to have a look!
  17. There is a good club called Warzone or Warfair or something in JHB where lots of the guys play. Otherwise jump on warhammer generals and you should easily be able to find some one or somewhere to play.
  18. Heya guys. So I just moved up to Joburg and I was wondering what my options are for hobby stores? Haven't played in years but I would really like to get back into it. Anywhere you guys recommend?
  19. Yo matey - we have a Southern Suburbs gaming group that meets every wednesday and sunday. Theyre having an apoc game this Saturday too. DOH- just checked the date of this- if you're around though, PM me. Ill keep you posted.
  20. Must be a change going from the UK to back home. I was there last year and the prices on minis alone!!!! Something like R480 for a box of tac marines at Slaters in East London.
  21. I'm from JHB extremewargaming.co.za or maelstrom.co.uk these are your best bets!!!
  22. Yeah sounds like a plan. I'm from PE. Kinda sucks cos there's not even a hobby store here anymore. East London is my closest :P
  23. I think all SA members should just give a shout here so everyony knows who the SA guys are! BTW on warhammergenerals I'm Carnage
  24. Hello guys , I am new on this forum and i just moved from london the to cape town, and sadly the hobby is really, really not as developped here... i am really struggling to find fellow hobbyist..... if anyone would like to join me for a few battles or painting sessions please answer! :(
  25. bro i got some news, i am a gamer NEAR Israel? EGypt. I play nids and space marines and i live in saudi arabia
  26. I realize this might be a bit late if we take the original date of posting into account but go and take a look at Warhammergenerals you will find a lot of SA players and quite a few from the Cape. Best of luck bud.
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