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About This Club

Discussion, events, etc. for events and issues specific to the South America continental area
  1. What's new in this club
  2. hola ay alguien en bolivia que jugar 40k, o si alguien sabe donde puedo consiger mas pintura de gw
  3. Ola! This thread seems pretty dead bu I'll give it a try anyways. I'm moving to Macae and I wonder if there are any players out there
  4. English is still the first (and only) language of the board, so any messages have to be exchanged in English language.
  5. En estos momentos me encuentro jugando con un pequeño grupo de personas, solíamos ser más, pero nuestra tienda cerró por exceso de pagos, ahora nos reunimos en nuestros hogares y enfrentamos el peor problema de warhammer, mesas y escenografía... ¿Sugerencias?
  6. Hello I'm on Tour at Mount Pleasant Complex. Are there any 40K players in the Falkland Islands?
  7. Yo estoy aquí. No hay muchos jugadores argentinos, ¿verdad?
  8. Irmãos! We gotta establish a portuguese speaking community on B&C!
  9. I AM I WANT TO PLAY!! im here in são paulo and i've been looking forever to find someone to play with me! pls!
  10. Hy everybody I'm just posting here in case someone come to São Paulo, Brazil, and want to play some Warhammer 40k or Fantasy. We have a great community back here in Brazil and, despite all the odds, we're growing more and more, day by day. If you're coming here to work, as a tourist, or moving to Brazil, feel free to contact me. I'm pretty sure we can arrange something. Cheers from Brazil!
  11. Hikedaya reporting in, estoy tanto en el foro, como en meadhall con el mismo nombre
  12. Buenas buenas, a ver si le damos un poco de vida a esta sección.
  13. Ahhh, Santiago, nice place to live. I lived in Santiago for job reasons a while back (2003) and sadly those days gaming community was largely inexistent. Hope this situation changed recently. Long live to Ordo Australis!!! Ahhh Santiago, bonito lugar para vivir. Estuve viviendo en Santiago por razones de trabajo hace un rato (2003) y tristemente en esos días la comunidad de jugadores era casi inexistente. Espero que esta situación haya mejorado ya. Larga vida a Ordo Australis!!!
  14. Hi there, where are you from...Santiago? If you are, try contact a group where you can pick games. The Club's name is "Ordo Australis". Try contact them through their forum: www.ordoaustralis.cl/foro I believe every saturday they have a game of W40K
  15. hey corrin im dodger... i live in bogota and yes there are some places where you can play 40k in bogota.. we play on the french library (Libreria Francesa) mostly... i hope you are still here so we can play some :unsure:
  16. i need that somebody show me how to play because 2 friends show me 2 different forms to play and i am confused :) nesesito que alguien me enseñe a jugar porque 2 amigos me mostraron 2 formas diferentes para jugar y estoy confundido :mellow:
  17. hi chilean people, here if you want to post something it could be nice that you translate it to spanish for the spanish speakers people :blush: hola chilenos, aqui si quieres publicar algo seria bueno que lo traducieran a español para los que hablan español :D
  18. Hello friends, We are a small community (about 16 people) of regular players. We're recently starting with the 40K hobby but are already playing WHFB for a year. If you live near Quito, Ecuador or are planning to visit our country you can post a message here and I'll be happy to show you around, and if possible we can play a friendly game ! To all our fellow Latin-american brothers: good to see that the hobby has at least a couple of people playing in the continent. Someday, we should ALL get together ! Best regards.
  19. Is here any meadhallian or wargamero here ladz Falken, cody, sardau anybody
  20. Yo soy en Bogota para varios meses. mis modelos se encuentran en los Estados Unidos. Tendré que los envíen aquí si puedo encontrar a gente para jugar contra. Todavía estoy aprendiendo español, pero en realidad quiero jugar. ¿Hay lugar en Bogotá, que vende modelos o tiene juegos con regularidad? Gracias
  21. !!! hay una liga en lima, entra a WHM.Foro.ST, somos unos 20, jugamos todos los sabados. Saludos.
  22. I'm searching form someone who knows perfectly well how to play and can walk me through the game. I've tried playing Battle for Macragge with my lil bro but It's always a mess... I really need to learn how to play, and finding games in Peru is nigh on impossible.
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