About This File
This one requires a story... well, it doesn't, but you're getting on anyway. Way back when GW first announced Age of Sigmar, they had a hammer-and-star-burst logo banner at one of the game shows or open houses or whatever. One of the frater here, a regular decal patron of mine (Olis? BCK? Sorry, I forget who, and the messages are gone from my in box.) said "Ya know? That'd make a good Space Marine Chapter symbol.
Fast forward a year or two, and I'm spring cleaning my Google drive, getting stuff filed away where it should be, when I come across this particular decal sheet that was just a couple tidbits away from being complete. Well, complete it did, and here's the result. The Sons of Sigmar. Since it's not an actual Space Marine Chapter, or necessarily intended as such, I'm posting it as a generic symbol. Use it for Marines. Use it for Imperial Guard. Use it for some freaky Ork Horde. Whatta I care? Just enjoy! http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
(NOTE: Due to B&C file size limits, the posted file is an A6 sampler. The full size A5 file can be found on my Google Drive.