In the outskirts of the planetary system of Tamazka a new populace has began to enter the lips of every man in the Imperium. The harsh desert people have given birth to a new phenomenon called The Prophetor. Not more than a cenruty ago, a the desert queen Kahina of the primitive Tamazir-tribe gave birth to her son an heir, Felix Danton Quest Maximus. The father of the child however was said to be a descented angel who came from the sky and inpregnatet the virgin warrior queen. When she was slain by a dark eldar ambush during a hunt for cold ones, the prince was declared too young to rule and was replaced by a for suitable warrior. It was not long before the orphant was recruited by the Scholar Progenium to serve as one of the Imperiums Most loyal servants. His primitive nature though put his teachers to the test and before the age of 12 he had already ended the life of 10 classmates who dared to question his right to be the group alpha. In his early aludthood it became clear to the Scholars, that the Tamazir prince and orphant was not a normal human. Besides showing early psychic stages he stood three heads taller than the biggest of the Tempests in the training yard. It became clear that Felixus was an abhuman and some Historitors believe him to descend from the Ancient and mysterious Dark Angel chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. Due to much superstition and perhaps fear of serious competition he was just about to be shipped off in a black ship before an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus decided to recruit him as the youngest Acolyte in the History of Mankind. Leading a henchmen group of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers and as the second hand of the Inquisitor, the young desert prince gained much respect from the people he helped converting to the true religion of man. Many planets were reconquered from demonic hosts by the stratefic geneousity of the acolyte hero who drew on his tribal genes, coming from a culture of constant tribal war and survival of the fittest. It was when his Master died of age he was to become an Inquisitor himself, having already gathered a big support in the Malleus Order in the inquisition. His first proclaimed mission was to free his home system Tamaska which had been overrun by the dark eldars. Arriving to his homeworld as a returned lost prince and freeing one world after another made it possible for him to unite all the tribes under one banner where he was said to rule under direct influence of the Imperor himself who would send him visions of redemption through his psychic channels. With such a vast support from both his home system, and succesfull results for the inquisition he was blessed by the Ecclesiarch himself and at his arrival at Terra he was announcÄed as the 13th High Lord of Terra. With his massive army of billions of country men united not only by culture but religion too, The Prophetor, works as a spearhead in what seems to be merging as something unseen since the Macharian Crusade. Felix Maximus the Prophetor and 13th Lord of Terra is the new hope of mankind in a grimdark timd where there is only war.
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