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Shadow Stalkers Kill Team 'Timorias'
This Kill Team is based on the army that my friend used to run a few years ago, he was a regular opponent to my Legion of Taurus Chaos Space Marines, with whom his Marines had a bit of a Tabletop rivalry! This Kill Team is based in the narrative as of the end of our last game: the Shadow Stalkers are defending the planet Odothese Primus, capital of the Odothese Sector, from an invasion led by the Legion of Taurus. This Kill Team is made up of survivors of squads otherwise wiped out by the attacking Chaos forces. Their mission is to strike out from the besieged planetary capital Hive City, and bring retribution to the attackers - and hopefully buy time for a relief force to arrive and liberate the planet.

I converted each Marine, extending the legs with 1mm think plasticard, so they match the height of the new versions of the Chaos Space Marines. This Kill Team was built during the previous edition, I will magnetise the weapons on a couple of these so I can use them as either a Tactical Squad or Deathwatch Kill Team in the new edition of the game.
  • Album created by firestorm40k
  • Updated
  • 27 images

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