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Bouargh´s "BCK's Vehicle Build Challenge" entry

Vow completed - table top quality, no more.

But I completed the bridge in 3 days... Youhou!! :banana:


The only parts of the kits I used in the end were:

- Land raider kit: top hatch

- Razorback kits (x2): heavy bolter turrets

- Predator kit: sponsons with lascannon and top hatch

- Leman Russ exterminator kit (ooP): white metal catachan taking a ride (Johnny Remora)

- Leman russ kit: side tracks, demolisher cannon and lasconnon hatch + handles and vents

- misc things: a drum from battlefield debris, some extra tracks


For the bridge:

- bits from sector mechanicus, inc pipes and consol

- bits from necromunda

- a ladder from extra parts of Legion basilisk


But everything is mostly plasticard, cement and putty.

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