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Bouargh´s space wolves

My Great Company led by Harald Long Tusks (long forgotten Wolf Lord). Being an unconvenional Wolf Lord, he sometimes field his troops as per Codex compliant tactics and organization... Villutrúarmaður!!!


Harald also personnaly supervises a detachment of Blood Wolves, a rogue SW party (following 13th Company/CSM/BA rules). Just to add variety.


Completed the work on (re)basing all the infantery stuff. But I see the light at the end of the tunnel somehow as I have only left now the ooP rhino chassis tanks and a LR exterminator. I guess I will start with the Vindicator and Vintage razorkbacks of mine.

  • Album created by Bouargh
  • Updated
  • 163 images
  • 4 album comments
  • 96 image comments

163 images

4 Album Comments


Posted (edited)

So far estimated to 19500 pts (based on point values revised (sept 22) and Legends. Without options or weapons.

You will have to trust me as long as I post footmen. Pics of them are so ugly...

Edited by Bouargh


Watchers may have noticed I started basing my stuff. Valero Neutral Grey (70.992 - I guess it is a good proxy for dawnstone), some sand and gravel + Administratum grey dry brushing. For the moment nothing more even if I will try this week some things a little bit more "scenic" such as plasti card flooring,  scraps... I also received ArmyPainter´s snow flock...


Posted (edited)

I´ve reached a good rythm of 1 unit based per day on average... It will slow down with the bikers though...


I underestimated the amount of paint this activity implies. I will have to pause if the new grey paint pots do not arrive soon. :confused:


Edit: Nov. 12th. Paint arrived. Work will be resumed...

Edited by Bouargh


Army basing is now 85 percent completed. As I now have left only genuine bases, i.e. nothing that is modified with diamter extension rings made of mdf, the basing process will be even faster. As a good inficator of progress, I have only one carry case of SW and DW to base. Out of 7 initially...

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